
Or for moms like mine who just wanted me gone for the summer. Worked well for me too: I didn't have to see her for months either.

Plus the guy is an entitled, bloodthirsty liar who also is a healthcare provider. Outrage towards a sociopath is completely justifiable.

Those eyes! That’s going to be a pretty little girl.

Thanks for the google scholar link! I bookmarked it to read some of the relevant articles later.

Do you have a citation? Cuz I'd be interested in reading about it.

I too finished Crypto but wasn't happy doing it. I didn't understand some of it, which made me feel stupid. I don't like feeling stupid. I'd give it 2 Amazon stars for being unintelligible to even an intelligent reader.

An animal is not equal to a human though. On any moral level.

When I do yoga I close my eyes as much as possible. I find it helps focus, less distracting.

I have a hard time paying for anything that costs more per hour than I make.

Who knows? Maybe there is a relative who recognizes the suitcase, and finally gets some closure.

Do the leaves need to be steeped, like tea, to release the sweetness? Cuz I mainly use sweeteners for iced coffee.

I wonder if there’s a way for the MN dental boards to revoke his license. Most health care providers are subject to various ethical standards. For instance, being an alcoholic input states is a potential cause for license revocation.

Got it. I can't star, but thanks for the Calvin &Hobbes!

Cats are great at killing animals. I’ve owned cats that have killed: a hummingbird (that made me very sad), numerous geckos (likewise), roaches (yeah), mice, frogs, etc. now I live where rats are plentiful, and a lot of people have cats as “ratters”.

You grow it! Is it easy to grow? Maybe I'll give it a try based on your comment.

So maybe it's the processing that makes it taste bad.

Oh yeah, now I remember! How do you remember stuff like that?

If you have a U.S. Public library card, chances are you can find any book you want to borrow for free. I have 7 books on my tablet, just waiting to be read. I was always forgetful of the 21 day book loan, so always paying fines. No more fines. Saves gas, also. You can also borrow audiobooks, which are nice to fall

Stevia is a plant. I was thinking of growing it in my garden till I tasted it.

I don’t get the joke. That being said, stevia has a chemical flavor. Anybody else find that to be true?