
You're fine. This conversation is for those of us who had mothers that were so horribly awful that they can't see themselves in this article. It's kind of like that saying about how crazy people don't know they're crazy: truly abusive/awful moms don't know they're abusive/awful. Kudos to you for being the best mom you

Wow this is a popular post. I thought I was the only one with a mother so toxic I've tried to kill myself numerous times. OK, back to reading all these sad stories.

What about people who wash their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? Instructions for them say just to scrape the dishes.

Right, but this was 1999. 16 years ago. We two Americans didn't own cell phones then. How were we to know of such tom foolery?

I was skimmed in Mexico in 1999. I guess they know how to do it.

Wait, what? Can you translate that?

Well this answers the question of whether or not she birthed a baby. Nope, she didn't.

Thanks. I have Aspergers and usually don’t “get” written sarcasm. In person I can usually tell though. I guess I need to heed my hackles and know that means sarcasm.

Are you serious? I'm no music junkie, but you're missing quite a few names, and including Lenny...I can't even :(

Or maybe gospel?

Déjà vu...the one time I went to New Orleans Jazz Fest, Lenny Kravitz was on the main stage. That was in the mid nineties and I’d barely heard of him then. His act then did not impress.

I was already concerned about both your cooking experience (PROPER guacamole has to have blah blah GRAPE tomatoes???) and your taste buds. This comment proves it. Cilantro should be eaten fresh, not cooked.

You're close, but I think it's the other way around. If she were facing him and he was doin the nasty, then his beard would be in the perfect position to acquire anal microbes.

Yesterday I cleared a trail and landing pad for my tent on land I just purchased on Hawaii island. That’s all there is now; no structure, no electricity. But I can charge my iPad and phone while I’m driving, and once the tent is up, I can watch netflix on the iPad without a router. I just tether off my cell phone. On

My scientific inquiry of two years has led to the conclusion that ALL middle-aged penii are sad.

Right? Cuz these guys live in NYC, the Mecca for deli meat. I remember having a pastrami sandwich from a deli and thinking this is over an inch of meat. I can’t fit it in my mouth, it’s so much meat. Now I live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (Hawaii) and I’ve literally eaten a BK Whopper two days in a row. And

Yes. In my household we call it pickling. Or should that be spelled pickle-ing? Whatever. We take habaneros and put them and some garlic in cheap white vinegar and then...wait. The longer the better.

I'm human too, and the biggest favor I asked of a friend is to borrow tools.

I was much older. Married, with kids. I was at Cal Expo with my bestest buddy. He told my guys were constantly checking me out. I was incredulous. I was like no way. I’m married with two kids. And he said, no, I’ve been watching these dudes, and they are checking you out. That opened my eyes. I never realized it till

What if *we* all show up at the Thursday taping?