wat? explain pls.
wat? explain pls.
shouldn’t allow 7th graders to tweet
Their first few reports, as posted on Facebook, were more along the lines of “The END IS NIGH!!! We best make sacrifice to the Miata gods that our track days may continue to be long, as they always have been!!!”
That sentence double-spacing should be a felony.
Wow, how blunt of her.
I don't care how pretty it is, I'm simply not interested in an open-world driving/racing game that doesn't provide risk in driving fast in public areas. Give me speed cameras that penalize me for driving over the limit, actual repercussions from colliding with NPCs, wildlife that tries to cross the road, and cops…
Well if Cadillac doesn't want him, there's always Lincoln........
As I've done before, I feel it's worth nothing that Canada's autoTRADER is unique from the U.S.'s AutoTrader, the UK's Auto Trader, and Australia's auto trader.
Obscure 90's Rock Band Reference, nice.
No, don't think it's funny.
Jerry Seinfeld is a stand up comedian. He's a television star. He's a Porsche nut. His web series Comedians In Cars…
I was contacted recently by a gentleman looking for an ad for the factory. There's a book coming out.
It's too bad Raphael glazed over this one, since it was the first foreign automaker plant in North America, in 1963.
My old 240 was assembled there. Good car. Wish I still had it.
In an Enzo you can:Drive around crazy fast and maybe pick up women
Own one of the craziest Ferrari's ever created
Catch on fire
Run from the cops and no one can catch you