Mark Stevenson

Registered. This is going to be a bloodbath.

It sucks that you guys are in this position just because a Florida Man couldn’t keep his miniature Hulk out of some fella’s wife.


Meanwhile, Jonny Lieberman is fighting with Steve Lang on Facebook. Because that’s important work.

Even from outside, you can see how much fun this kid is having.

Srsly guys?!?! Not a single Batman/Batman Returns Batmobile?!?!

I can't wait for the next Supra/Z4.

Every month Russia comes up with a new Humvee. And every month it is bad.

There used to be a CKD kit manufacturing facility in Halifax. Volvo would ship the components over to Halifax for assembly to avoid dreaded Canadian import tariffs on European-built vehicles.

Now they just need to put it on the heads of NHL wives and girlfriends.

Yes, by a long shot, the previous generation was a better car in almost every respect (the new one has a little more tech, but it's crap tech).

Looks like someone is using an old Sympatico password...

A mulligan suggests you're actually trying to get the ball in the hole, or - in the case of Honda - make the Civic better.

After driving the Civic Coupe (after the emergency refresh), it felt more like the ball was painted bright yellow while Honda shouted "Look! This is my ball! It's shinier than all the other

Corvette racers or Aston Martin racers: who gets the most attention from the opposite sex?

The Cadillac CTS now has three different engines and soon to be four with the upcoming CTS V sedan. At what point do you ask yourself "is this too much choice?" How do you push the fact the CTS can be efficient but also a balls-to-the-wall luxo-muscle-barge?


However, with technology - especially on the infotainment, customer-facing end - becoming more prevalent in cars, I can see companies wanting to turn their keys for the first time in Detroit so they're close to possible customers (Big 3).

The OnStar Remote App from GM? Not sure where it was developed but I'm guessing in Detroit.

We did the same thing. I <3 me some Nada Surf.