I blame the masculinity of climate denial on those Ford F150 commercials with Dennis Leary that started like ten years ago. The F150 has been one of the top selling vehicles in America the entire time and their entire marketing strategy is that it's a manly man's pussy slaying Prius eating deer killing machine. Truck…
Most women are killed by men. Most men are killed by men. Why don’t we start there?
Holy crap, if ‘try on a hijab’ counts as Islam run amok then I have some SERIOUS complaints about the “Christians” in this country.
People like Brit Hume think only burning a cross on a lawn constitutes racism. And if he’s called to somehow defend burning a cross on a lawn, he’ll have no trouble moving those goalposts.
We’re done here ladies and gentlemen.
I know we don’t like to hang the label “role model” on famous persons but, it gave me such a swell in my heart when the camera panned to the audience and showed two young beautiful girls just loving this performance - black excellence and with nary a *girl-on-girl crime lyric in sight.
I’ve got no plans for divorce, but I have to admit I have a mental apartment where everything is just so and just how I want it and his stupid table/dustcatcher is nowhere to be found.
It would be remiss not to note the role the current regime in the United States has had in fostering incel culture. Gamergate was a watershed moment in mobilizing online misogyny. Some of the key people fanning the flames of online anger associated with that event include Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos. They…
The only thing I can come up with is that when it comes to self-hatred, women turn it inward, as in “I’m the problem. If I weren’t so ugly/fat/stupid men would like me.”
I think if they’re going to charge women, no exceptions, then they should do DNA tests on all stillborn and aborted fetuses and charge the male parent equally, no exceptions.
I mean if they want women under 100% control of their menfolk, then the men are the ones to be held accountable for “their” women, right? /s
No, the logical endpoint is we let the south form their own Christian run country (think white ISIS) and we build a wall around them until they all die off.
Yup. Came here to say, I have never encountered the name “Cade” outside of gay porn, and to date, that stands.
So she puts Chick fil A on equal footing with Christ.
So, I’m newly a non-drinker, and it feels almost evangelizing how irritating things like SantaCon are now. It’s just wild to me our culture normalizes this stuff. But I’ve also been a new vegan, and new atheist at various points in my life, so I know my irritation with the “normies” (lol I know) and enthusiasm for my…
That punchline tho
There was a good report on this last week on Vice News on HBO (or CBS? Not sure). The bottom line is that a lot of things we reasonably think are recyclable require more processing than it’s worth (financially). So to get past that, just think “never mix, never worry” (also good practice for drinking, but anyway).
I tried going sober a few months after The Election. I really, really did. I’m an admitted alcoholic... friendly, never “drunk”, but a maintanance alcoholic tbs.