
In 10th grade Drama, I got the "Most Improved" award. Should I send that to Kanye, since he was slightly less of an asshole this time around?

people on this site are probably going to say yes. Jezebel is about as bad as Kanye with their raging Beyonce boner.

I won first prize in the 3rd grade "Reflections" arts contest for a really nice pastel sketch I did of my mom's Christmas cactus. Should I....send that ribbon onto Beyonce out of respect for art? Or do I get to keep it?

For those asking about whether this will work for existing members, we don't know yet. When the price hike happened we found a loop hole that let existing members gift themselves another year at the lower price. We don't know if that will work again.

For those asking about whether this will work for existing members, we don't know yet. When the price hike happened

If you call that an "attack," doll face, I think the real world must be a total nightmare for you.

Be that guy. You know, the one on the internet. The one that can't shut up about how proud they are to be Filipino. You know, like, all of them.

You were robbed, Cat Peach. ROBBED.

Thanks, everyone, for chiming in—even (and perhaps especially) to those who are giving me my lumps.

Your assumption here is a problem. You assume that the commenter is looking for a prize. They aren't. They are saying they don't need to apologize for sympathy and empathy which is offered without reward to all walks of life. That the automatic assumption (on your part, it would seem) that they are saying these

Well, now we have a long thread on how these ideas and realities affect "good white people." Kind of makes the author's point, no?

Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Nope. The entire plot revolves around Washu's crazy antics. As I responded to someone else, many of the original voice cast will be back as well, only Ayeka is being recast I believe. It is also AIC at the helm who have never really lost their edge with their animation. It'll be worth the watch.

Ryoko's voice was great! I normally watch subs rather than dubs, but that swung me over to the vocal side of the force.

I see you do by your avatar lol. Then you'll be happy to know the entire show is due to Washu's mad experiments causing the world to fall into Chaos. Tenchi is on hand to save the day by becoming a student teacher lol. All the old cast is still there and in fact some of the original voice actors are returning to their

No, there's nothing wrong with you lol. I'm in love with the entire universe though. Dual Parallel Trouble was the first foray I had into anything connected to it without Tenchi and the girls and I love it. After that I saw GXP and I thought it was a brilliant side-story that contained cameos from the original cast.

Tenchi is okay, but I watch the series for Washuu and Ryoko. Does this "girls' school" thing have them in recognizable form?

Don't forget to include Candy Candy the Boy Toy Slayer. Every time she sets her eyes on a purty boy they suffer a terrible death.

So he wears an apron and he carries around dismembered body parts in the front pocket? I can only surmise it's so that he'll never have to worry if he ever needs a hand.