Martin Shkreli's Slush Fund

Ohio. Depending on the night and the theater tickets range from $5 to never more than $10 (unless you see it in 3d).

How? Tickets were $5 to $10 in my area.

It’s probably a combination of:
- less money at stake for winners which will discourage cheating
- less money available for testing
- an amateur field that’s already doped to the gills (I would wager a good chunk of the masters racers are on anti-aging treatments)

and most importantly
- Most triathletes are bad enough at

Nah, the stuff that makes you go fast in one endurance sport is going to do the same thing in another. Dopers will take EPO to boost their red cell count so their top speed is faster. Then they’ll take Testosterone and Cortisone to improve their ability to recover between workouts.

Nah, when you play the game of “Who is the worst person I can name to this position?” The disgraced Olympic athlete that lied about having a gun pulled on him/went on a bender in Rio is a better match for the Brazilian Ambassador post. The Ambassador to China is going to be some hard right curmudgeon that’s spent the

Don’t even joke about that. He’ll be made the Ambassador to Brazil or something.

I also lost interest with it when the live action shows started dominating the lineup and the lead in became a gauntlet of Seth Mcfarlane shows. Even when I was young I loved stuff like Sealab 2021 and Aquateen Hunger Force and hated stuff like Tom goes to the Mayor or Saul of the Mole Men.

Because the employment of millions of american citizens doesn’t depend on you taking a long term view. it’s a different story for the OEMs.

actually, you should be outraged that Trump used charity money to bribe an official and avoid a (third) fraud investigation into his failed university scam.

That attitude doesn’t exist on this website. Jezebel has been highly critical of Hillary Clinton on a variety of issues.

* sentient cheetos crunch wrap Donald Trump

Yes. It will. Until you get to sustained gradients over 5% a TT bike will be much faster than a road bike. Aero bullshit works. The aero savings you get from using a proper TT bike are the difference between being a strong CAT2 and a weak CAT5. Even on a “hilly” course.

riding on the sidewalk is more dangerous for the cyclist. most car vs bike collisions happen at intersections. when you’re ride on a sidewalk you’re both increasing the number of intersections (look at the number of driveways that cut through a sidewalk) that you have to ride through as well as further removing

A TT bike will make your bike split significantly faster than if you were on a road bike. If you care about competing in triathlon or time trials it makes sense to get one.

Nice bikes tend not to have kickstands because it’s extra weight that doesn’t serve much of a purpose. If I’m not riding my bike it’s probably

so first you’re upset that cyclists are not following the rules of the road and now you’re upset that a cyclist was following the rules of the road. I think it might be you that has the problem

those aren’t small brakes. just giant wheels.

Sure, vote Johnson if you’re ok with giving the keys to the kingdom directly to the corporations. Yeah I get it, government regulations prevent you from importing that fast and the furious dream car of yours. On the other hand that 25 year import rule also makes sure that the cars brought into this country aren’t smog

One of the political candidates in this election cycle has repeatedly said that he wants to swiftly round up and deport all the illegal immigrants. Save this BMW. Vote Clinton.

Pff. Like they use chlorine in Brazil. You’ve seen the pool water right?

You are aware that Columbus has an NHL team right?