
I got the same vibe.

“Denzel—are you—do you feel—you know some people say Hollywood folks should stick to acting,” Couric asked”

Well, we did say Tim Scott wasn't shit.

Delusions of being one of the good ones is how you make it as black republican though.

It don’t surprise me one bit old grin and shuffle Tim torpedoed his own bill though. Fighting for police reform was the one thing he could point o justify why black people should support him. But actually succeeding at police

GOP come get your boy.

My favorite part about Tim Scott is he seems like he’s trying to set himself up for a Presidential run as if the GOP would actually ever nominate the guy who’s only job is to stand there and make them look not racist.

‘I died’

SC is the 7th from the worst state to be a cop and pays the lowest cop wage among all states.

And honestly, THAT’s more frightening.. since at least if the incident is recorded.. there is evidence of the altercation.. when the cops roll up, its ALWAYS a US vs. THEM and the THEM in this context is believed far more than US.

Also in the age of camera-equipped smart devices, why aren’t more bigots leery of black twitter? She became a racist pillar of salt overnight.

Your user name is wonderfully accurate. Congratulations on the self awareness. 

username/comment synergy checks out

Really glad to see her getting a platform, and directly challenging all of the lies Nicki’s passed on so far. First that this was a Romeo/Juliet situation, and second the implication that it was a white or white-passing woman making things up because Petty is black. I hope Hough gets as much money out of this case as

Miss Minaj - please get the shot; your balls will be OK.

Why is it that whenever anyone mentions white people or racism, you automatically attack “the Democrats?” It’s almost like you don’t believe there’s a difference between a Republican and a racist.

Never thought I would say this, but Meek Mill dodged a bullet.

Oooh! ooh! So if I share this story about Sarah Rector the first black oil baroness in the US what do I get? Do I get a Tesla if I share this little gem of caucasity from the aforementioned article regarding management of Mrs. Rector’s wealth at a local dealership?:

Racist trolls are not exactly known for their ability to write coherent sentences. Or think coherent thoughts.

Whenever I start feeling optimistic that White people are striving to change, I do 1 of 3 things: visit any social media site; go to Walmart (which I mostly avoid); or read Michael Harriot’s Clapback Mailbag column. Thanks for reminding me that those people will never change. You always write the 100% real facts. 

“blacks love the grift of CRT because it gets them free things.”