
I don’t think he can... I don’t think he has much sense at all cause he left Justine Skye for kylie... so we know his judgment is not sound AT ALL. Justine is beautiful. Sad part her and kylie was frrrrriiieennddzzzz. Smh. Those witches are friends to no one. Not even themselves cause they can’t help but to invite

As they should. Freedom is NOT free and it never will be. Nor are we free to infringe upon others rights and freedoms. At the end of the day if you went to public schools then you have vaccines running all up and thru you.  Basically we have been under vaccine mandates for most of our lives if you are under a certain

I am over here dying. Lol. Man, Coko voice is like smooth expensive chocolate. It hooks you and you don't need alot to be satisfied. 

Smh. Why can’t people be decent human beings and treat others how they would want people to treat their loved ones?

Ms James, Ms James doing the right things. Get them all!


They may have a point about Parlor. I read an article about the app on Huffpost (I think, I read a lot so😅) the rest of it. Idk. I don’t put anything past people.

My favorite line from Pappy was "dumb cracker" following that quote. Lol. 

Dude, you tripping and it gave me no pleasure to say that.  

This is beyond sick. The deleting of the records with the city permission. I'm at a loss for words. 


That’s where oversite from congress is supposed to step in. But we all know how that goes, for right now anyway. Vote vote vote!

Yea and I’m sure he voted a straight republican ticket. I personally do not trust Shaq at all. He showed me who he is long ago. I hope more people are waking up. 🦝 

I find this ironic af.

Damn right! ✊🏽

My great grandmother raised James Patterson. Yes, that James Patterson. He even has (allegedly) a big ass picture of her in his home because he loved her so so much. Yea. BS. 

Not as long as Bill Barr over the DOJ

They used Michael Steele as a foil to Obama and when they saw they didn’t need him anymore, they got rid of his ass. He pulled in more money for them than ny other RNC chair. But that didn’t matter to them cause he’s black. Sad part is they fired him writing a book and supposedly making money off them. But then soon

After watching that episode, I cried. I felt Hippolta deep in my soul. It brought out my creativity, my joy, and most of all my rage. Truly a gem of an episode.

Damn right. I’m voting in person. I’m not playing, masked and gloved ready to cast my ballot. And I will have my chair just in case I have to wait. I’ve already requested the whole day off. Nothing will keep me from voting!