
Whew, when will the southern district of NY indite this guy. He is committing crimes in plain site. Wtf? Seriously, why is it taking them so long to do it? How many more crimes does he have to commit? They should indite Trump too. I think most of the GOP and Guiliani are Russian assets. Maybe they are building a case


I agree. Everything is conditional in this world. 

I totally agree.

I dont. But that is the reason he shouldn’t hunt. I think its disrespectful to kill animals for sport. I feel that humans should only hunt for food. It’s very wasteful. Animals should be respected for what they contribute to the circle of life. 

Dont break the needle, You are the damn fool. If your going to hunt be a real fucking huntsman, you ass, and use your SKILL to humanely kill your prey. If you cant do that then your ass not real hunter and a over all bitch just like Putin own messy bitch and his weak chinned inbred looking ass son. Fuck you and your

The part that really pisses me off is that he used a laser scope to kill the animal. Lazy fucking bum. If your going to kill an animal have respect to use your own kill shot. Not get help from modern technology, cheating asshole. That pisses me off. 

I hope she gets millions. 

My God, I miss them so freaking much. I have tears in my eyes. 

Shout out to those of us that STILL has baby phat jeans in the closet. Lol.

Yes Sir! Right on point.

Why are Pete and Bloomberg telling these lies? Both have been caught in big ass provable lies. Democratic voters are not Republicans. You can’t tell us a bold face lies and think it's ok. Pete should be thrown out of the race because he told a lie with a Republican talking point. That should disqualify his ass and

Pete is a lying mutherfucker just like you said. He told a big ass lie on the whole democratic party. Throwed a republican lie out there and took hours to clean it up and he still was telling the lie. I cant with Pete. He will NOT get the black vote and with that lie he told.  His white support might drop down too. I


And then there's that too. Smh. 

Barr is way worse than Sessions. He's more destructive because he has planned for a Trump like presidency all his life to do shit like this. 

Awww Boo, we got you. We love you and yes you will be alright. You are strong and beautiful just like your Mama and when you look at yourself in the mirror she is there right over your shoulder. Loving you and wishing you well. 🥰

Yup, smh. I cant remember the names but they were on MSNBC when they were having the confirmation hearing. Claiming he had principles and wouldn't throw away his reputation for Trump. 

I knew that this guy was more than bad news. Even when the pundits on tv where saying Barr has integrity and other unrelated bullshit, I knew. Now here we are. I hope everybody in the administration goes to prison. Starting with the repubs around the traitor-in-cheif. They are all in on it to keep power. This shit

Yup. I definitely can get behind this. She would be great! I can see some scenes now between her and Riley. Lord have mercy. It would be epic.