
Thanks for the tips. I’m learning to groom my man properly. So, I was wondering about stuff for the beard. We use my grooming of him as a bonding thing but I really enjoy doing. I’m also trying to learn how to trim his beard with clippers. I haven’t gashed him or anything. I’m still a little nervous. Do you have any

Oh ok. That makes sense then. Thanks for enlightening us! Lol. Wow. 

Can the council put in research to find out why Grandmamas love high beds? 😂

The same way your affording the Trump tax gift to the wealthy.   

I will go and try this place the next time I'm in Baton Rouge. 

They believed in you and it really speaks to what they saw in you. Look at you now. You have a whole lot of people that are so thankful for you. Keep writing truth to power and we will continue to read, learn, and grow. 

I totally agree. I've been screaming this from the rooftop since it started. If people dont start paying attention we are fucked. It maybe too late.

Naw they aren’t too stupid. They know and approve. Remember, they changed the GOP official Russia stance when Trump won. You are correct that they are Putins own messy bitches. 

Such a shame. Shame on all those involved with covering up for this evil man. Evil white men can do whatever they want and others have to suffer for it. I’m so angry and disgusted with all the mess that’s going on rn. It’s so mentally and spiritually draining. My heart goes out to Simone and to other sexual assault

Nope, lantern123, They have went beyond too far. We have not nor will “we” ever overcome. There is no “we”. It’s a yall and them. This racist shit is NOT in all of us. It’s in yall. I know your ass white to tell me that AMERICAs face is FREEDOM, JUSTICE AND EQUALITY. 😂 We all clearly see what this is. You are your

Im not surprised at all. I’m tired of all the racist shit. This country has definitely shown its true face to the world. There is and will be a cost for this. Fucking cowards.

The Rethugans are losing their damn mind trying to turn this way and that way. He’s fucked they need to get over it and do their damn job and protect this country and the constitution. The manchurian canadate in real life. It's all coming out. Them folks ARE NOT trying to do time for lying for Trump. Everybody going

You forgot about Pence. Soland said he knew as well. 

Damnit Joe! You had one job! Damn him. He's done. Ship him and all the new comers out please and thank you! All of them are trash (the new comers) and should go away expeditiously. 

I hope that this will give the Feds an opening to reopen the investigation into Trump and Russia. Cause all roads do lead to Russia. 

I agree but the nerve is correct for an over grown man handle to a child like that! A disabled one at that! The nerve of that guy and people like him to do the hateful shit that we see them do seems like everyday. If I had some pearls to clutch I would rather choke that animal with a badge with them.

That officer is an animal and he needs to be locked in a cage. What can he do with no arms and legs?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? Seriously! The nerve!

I wish her well and I really hope she get all the coin she is asking for because she deserved to be offered more. They are doing what most industries do to black women in particular. Get em Mo!

Right! Fuck em hard with no vaseline! That’s what makes me so mad. I love football as well and it’s like I have extra salty feelings about it cause I dont care for many other sports. Then, my college football team. The Tide, went and fucked over Jalen last year in the championship game and I haven't fucked with them

I have the same thoughts and you and Eric Reid. Smells like bs, sounds like bs, its probably bs but we could all be wrong. Maybe, not?