Accounting for street harassment, workplace harassment, etc, etc, if you told me 99.3% of American women had been sexually harassed, I would be shocked it wasn't 100%.
Accounting for street harassment, workplace harassment, etc, etc, if you told me 99.3% of American women had been sexually harassed, I would be shocked it wasn't 100%.
Is anybody else willing to hazard the guess that 99.3% of American women have been sexually harassed at some point in their lifespans?
Just: shhh.
Poor little losers!
Not every woman who knows how to apply makeup is a totem for some guy's unresolved high school anxiety.
Do people really think there can be no fake gamer/geek men/women? Apparently if you read any number of comments on multiple sites this is the case.
It really speaks to the growing class divide in this country that so many of us (me included!) can't even imagine how people can afford to have children. And I'm not talking children + expensive summer camps + 5+ bedroom mansion + designer diaper bags. I am a really minimalist, low-maintenance person. Like, I'm an old…
Then she must for THE INTERNETS!!!
"My dearly beloved spirit wife, let me show you my Pearls of Great Price whilst you smear jello salad on me..."
She needs a safe place where attention can be paid to her problems and she can get actual care and concern. This is not that place.
WHOA, whoa, whoa...back up there. The problem is that you assumed something. You said "Let's assume that all the inmates that are left are indeed combatants, terrorists, or have blood on their hands..."
lets assume that all the inmates that are left are indeed combatents, terrorists or have blood on their hands
Even if it were a fundamental human right, based upon the detention and treatment of prisoners thus far, I don't think we (US Governement/soldiers in charge of the prisoners and Guantanamo Bay) are likely to respect their right to die.
Oh No! Don't send her to Diamond Ranch Academy! They are AWFUL. They use transport chains, basically they send someone to kidnap the kid in the middle of the night and bring them to the school. I'm sure they wouldn't do that to a celebrity kid, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. They are incredibly scary.
After looking at the google, Diamond Ranch Academy sounds like one of those awful abusive camps that people end up on Dr. Phil crying about. I'm really saddened for Paris.
I wouldn't say that this is normal, or new. I remember my sister playing a game similar concept to this, but all the characters were pigeons or birds, and that you eventually found out a really crazy elaborate backstory that made the whole thing make sense. It was also a visual novel.. don't know the name of it... …
I don't know how I made it to this day. Until the age of 7 or so I had short hair and was quite tomboy-ish so I was always mistaken for a boy.
Maybe my parents should've invested in a wig for me...
*sigh* this world is a strange place. I'd like to know what kind of parents would put a wig on their baby.
maybe that's why people smother little girls with pink shit