
Hey man, call me a douchebag if it makes you feel any better but at least I didn't deploy the word "whilst"

it's funny, suddenly kotaku readers aren't so fucking keen on prison rape being part of incarceration.

Silence is golden.

I did this in a Link to the Past (my gal's favorite game)...and yes, I'm bragging. Ha! :P

Thank you! I wish more people were aware of this. The whole "Oh, all he did was consensually sext with a few women! That's a matter between him and his wife!" is bullshit.

I thought that it was Angelina Jolie at first glance. I think that all of that white just washed her out.

Hell hath no fury like a geek playing out their lingering resentment.

Seriously, this is me. Most of the male nerds I know fixed themselves up after high school too, but somehow their becoming conventionally attractive isn't suspect, but when we do it, we've suddenly become the field upon which they get to play out their lingering resentment.

This a thousand times.

You do not own it,

Yeah that too. I was just talking about skin color and appearance of the princesses, but if you actually look at the content and lyrics, it gets so much worse.

The Sami people are indigenous Scandinavians. They have various skin/eye colors (some look very 'white,' while others have darker skin and eyes). The wiki article I've linked has many images.

And, take a look at this young white-blonde woman of the Sami.

No. The "were" has nothing to do with whether it's plural or not. It has to do with the subjunctive tense.

Agreed. I would say I don't know why Tennis couldn't have just said what you said. But then, I've read his column. He's a man who won't use a $0.10 word when a $2 will do.

I also have a horrid distaste for the singular "them." As a result I use a lot of "oneself" etc.

I think you mean "Uggs"

Agree 100%. When someone purposefully omits that information it turns the whole conversation into an awkward It's Pat sketch.

I'm not the hugest Dan Savage fan in the world, but I love the experiment he did where he changed around genders but otherwise told the same story, giving the same advice, just to show his readers how their reactions and what they deem as "good advice" is completely different if they perceive the letter-writer to be

It takes way too much to be a young person anymore. I embrace my steady decline into old ladyhood with open arms when I read articles like this.

It's really whimsical and changes all the time.