Ms Patsy Stone

Why is this bitch always so angry? She’s had every single thing handed to her in life and she is ALWAYS outraged. Who likes her? Let’s not forget, she agreed with just about everything that trump has said or done, until he started really disrespecting her dad, when he got cancer. And she was fine with him

Go into the dealership and ask for the manager. Tell him/her what happened. See what they say. If they don’t care, tell them you want their insurance information because which ever of their employees who stole your car, damaged it and you think they may have committed a crime with it. If they don’t do anything, ask

They should be able to sue for Hipaa violations. This is medical information. It should ONLY be shared with medical personnel. And anyone who shared this information has violated the law. Fines are up to $50,000 per violation. I’d bet $10,000 this guy has kiddie porn on his computer

What they did to get their kids into college is NOTHING compared to what they did to get their ignorant, silly kids into private grade Schools. One of the parents (Michelle Janavs) donated $100,000 a year (all 3 years) to her child’s high school and $60,000 a year (all 3 years) to her child’s middle school. And she

A Nubian Goat? This foreign goat came to America and took a job away from an American Goat. Wake up America. We are being invaded by foreigners. They’re ingratiating themselves into our political system. This won’t end well

Dear Beth, you are an ignorant cunt. And this type of shit is why Lifehacker and the other assorted shitty websites affiliated with it have turned to shit since Gawker was sold

I’m a home health pharmacist in Georgia. Sometimes I work in my friend’s retail store and I tell people all the time if it would be cheaper without their insurance. I didn’t even know about this gag law. The store is pretty slow, so I don’t have a problem calling doctors and asking if a cheaper alternative is an

My company has told quite a few people who have given two weeks notice, not to bother working the two weeks or they work a few days and then the company tells them not to come back the other week and a half. So now most people just quit and don’t give any notice. Of course the owner of the company gets upset when they

If they discussed it on a phone there are more charges. Usually felony charges

These men conspired to have a child assaulted. That a felony. It’s actually multiple felonies. If this were my child, my first call would be to the police, the second would be to my lawyer and my third would be to child and family services. Men like this shouldn’t be around children. Especially their own.

Believe it or not, hand washing the stain with a bar of Dove soap and cold water works really well. You may have to do it a few times, but it works

why don’t you also tell everyone Santa Claus isn’t real either

I use reverse psychology when talking to people who don’t believe in climate change. When they tell me it’s not true I tell them they are right and even if it were true, who cares? I’ll be dead in 30 yrs. I don’t have kids so I don’t care if there is clean water or air in 30 yrs. Those people who are still alive can

Do what the hunting guides in Africa do. Throw it into a gigantic pile of ants. They will strip it clean

Dove soap works really well on fresh stains

Why is a man asking about this?

It is a white person doing this and I’m okay with it. Maybe some white people will pay attention to it. It’s strange that there is a piece of art work like this. I’m horrified and repulsed by what happened to Emmett Till. I think now is a perfect time to show something like this. Let the people who are unaware of the

“Wrote it” is a dead give away. He’s the one who WROTE it. He had the correct verb. It was the rest of the sentence that was incorrect

Baking soda is a great, gentle scrub. Lather up your face and take about 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls and rub it on your lathered up face. Wash it off and your skin will feel really smooth. The particles are very, very fine so it is gentle on your skin

She has the stink of Fox news on her. She has no credibility after all of the racist and bigoted things she said over the year’s at Fox News.