
All the reviews are making this really tempting to pick up some day.

I’ve been having a blast using my glaive so far, and I love going all YOLO and start beating down a boss with it. Yeah, I know it’s a dumb idea, but I just love the idea of wailing on a boss with it - especially when they try to stomp me away.

The explanation behind an internet meme being “It thought it was dumb and funny, and then other people started doing it too” gives me no information beyond my immediate thoughts about any meme. I don’t think this needed its own article, but that’s just my opinion.

He killed an old white supremacist and only got two years of house arrest? Not bad. Does he have an Amazon wishlist? If he’s going to be on house arrest for two years, then perhaps he could use some entertainment.

One less racist pedophile, check.

Your analysis seems reasonable, but may not address the totality of the situation (when the cops were called seems to indicate the old man made threats rendered credible by entering the store or was informed he was trespassing before he was struck).

Wow. Turned out...fair?  Im suprised.

I mean, sure, if they want to add an easy mode it’s not like it’ll have any impact on anybody who doesn’t want to use the easy mode.

I think you missed his point....he’s trying to say if that’s the argument, for not including a pause, what’s the point of control remapping?

Not sure how I’m ignoring it - in fact that kind of thing fits perfectly well into another post of mine - the man can’t help himself when it comes to spouting off. He does something good - or intends to do something good - and then lets his ego / opinions take hold and make him look like an ass.

Yeah... those poor, downtrodden Porche buyers just can’t catch a break. Pity.

It’s baffling how many dumbfucks think pausing a single-player game is, like, the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.

It’s not a huge issue, but it’s also sort of bizarre not to include a pause function, especially if you’re just going to leave in a work-around that lets you do it anyway.

I think this is exactly it. And a lot of the time it’s his ego that gets in the way and he reacts.... poorly, when told he’s wrong.

In StarTrek and Star Wars they don’t enter atmospheres and land Deep Space 9 or Death Star. They built them in space and use shuttles to get in and out

My take on Musk is that his grand plans are generally for the betterment of humanity (I’m sure there are those who disagree, but there’s at least a compelling argument to be made in his favor). His day-to-day behavior is frequently reprehensible though. He’s pretty much the living embodiment of “ends justify the

In the stories you read, the common theme to solve the gravity well problem is to build it in space.

Voyager 1 & 2 are still apparently chugging along though after being launched in 1977.

Given a choice between watching the ISS de-orbit and cutting some corners, I think NASA and ESA could move fast enough to get it done.