
Basically, if a player’s ping rating isn’t exactly fantastic, they can still get killed despite hiding behind cover, a phenomenon 343 detailed with a series of screenshots snapped on the Recharge map

Well luckily it’s F2P, so you don’t have to buy anything.

It does remind me how smart it is for an older person to have a kind of regular check-in with kids, especially if they’re alone.

I think it can go pretty bad the other way. I’ve encountered issues with precision weapons where I can literally see the bullet hit them in the head for what would be a kill only for them to walk away, blood spatter and all. For less explicit instances, I think it would definitely be frustrating to encounter multiple

Disagree about this. I work in software doing IT. 5 years ago, it was rare to find someone with fast internet. Nowadays, it’s rare to find someone with slow internet. Of course, each area is different, but we work with clients nationwide from the sticks to metropolitan areas, and overall everyone’s speeds have

The initial tweet does specify that Daisy is the only one who regularly has teeth. There’s a lot of oddball stuff out there, so it’s likely you can find some kind of media where they have teeth, like Pauline having teeth in the jump up superstar commercial (because she’s played by a human)

keeping calm when a naked, bleeding stranger gets into your bed in the middle of the night is some hardcore shit, man.

“Commenter aims, but misses.” 

The annoying part is this probably blew a long streak for her, too.

This is neither shameless nor shoehorned. The game was quoted as the direct reason the family realized something was wrong. Settle down.

That’s funny, I don’t remember when Steam was called a scam. Oh, people resisted it because it was different and who wants to install an extra client to run the game you just bought? But everybody understood the value proposition. And MP3s? Users all instantly understood the value proposition, and so it was just

“Pyramid schemes are the future. Its first real world adaptation have created more confusion for sure (because, how many people understand modern finance? Pyramid schemes only added element of confusion to what was already misunderstood), but the future generation will accept it just as we have accepted what we have

Are you implying NFTs are only useful as something to sell to greater fools than oneself? Because, duh. 

That’s like saying “no one mentions the winners!” when you talk about how gambling has ruined lives.

What are you even going on about. Nobody said that MP3s were a scam. I don’t remember anyone calling Steam a scam, or online shopping. You’re just making shit up.

Not only doesn’t fit the mold, NFTs are the exact opposite of MP3s in the context they’re using. MP3s destroyed the notion of digital scarcity and drove prices down, NFT tries to ram scarcity back into a market that doesn’t have it and force prices up.

I remember when Steam was called a scam because Valve could go out of business along with your entire library of games.

The thing is, itch takes almost nothing from game sales on their platform. By default they take 10%, but developers can set it to 0% if they want. So they’re not really talking out of both sides of their mouth here. Also, only ONE of the games with the NFT tag is actually a game that is being sold. Everything else in

The problem with that is the same problem with all other proposed “good uses” of blockchains; you could do the same thing more efficiently with a distributed transactional database.