
Oh I doubt they would win such a lawsuit or that it would make it to discovery.

Yep. A robust content warning is enough. If the content isn’t for (general) you, don’t play it. ::shrug::


I think updating the content warning is a good move. On a broader note, it always seems like games that approach topics from an earnest, inclusive angle seem to come in for more criticism than games that do a very poor or insensitive job of addressing those topics.

This game may include references to unwanted advances, stalking, and other forms of emotional manipulation. Play with care.

So, the content warning accurately reflects the game's content, but people made bad assumptions about that warning and are now mad at the dev and want the dev change the game itself? 

This is honestly an unbelievably amateurish response by this company, do they not have a PR department? They are basically napalming any chance of enthusiasts (and any joe schmo with googling ability) trusting their brand for anything in the future.

More like; this is a Technical Test, not an ‘Alpha’ — the game is out in 9 weeks - Trust me, it’s definitely Feature-Complete at this point — or ‘Beta’ or even a ‘Marketing Beta’. It’s a build of the game which is setup in a specific way to gather data about... technical things; they’re trying to fix bugs before

It’s a technical test, not even a beta or an alpha. Lots of features are toned down or downright missing. They want the NDA so that they can focus on...wait for it...technical issues! rather than people complaining about graphics or whatever

It’s akin to sandbagging. Instead of an incremental and sort of “Real time” organic progression of records, it’s sudden and demoralizing and considered a dick move.

The speedrunning community thrives on open competition. Tricks are regularly found by those who aren’t the top runners, and shared with all. In addition, Matthias was trying to get all 32 records, but while he was hunting individual tracks where people had posted, someone else had secretly beaten half his records, and

It’s a bit anti-competitive. The times increasing are what push competitors to clean up their runs and try new strategies. Might have damaged the meta by withholding info - speedrunning tends to be a very open and collaborative community. I understand why people felt kind of betrayed.

The whole point of Nintendo multiplayer games, specially Mario Kart, IS the constant ruthless betrayal of love and friendship

But who are these two?

As a guy who works in a design and manufacturing facility (not cars), here’s my take:

There’s no conspiracy, a lot of people like the game. It looks fantastic, and it plays well, the cover system alone is pretty unique compared to most isometric games, and twin-stick shooters. The RPG elements are a bit half baked, and there’s bugs, but it’s subjectively a very fun little game.

Glad to hear that, I’ll probably end up downloading it tonight.

I really don’t think you’ll run into that feeling with this game much. Not only is the sound design great and the environments top-notch, but the camera perspective will change on you occasionally as well, which helps break up that ¾ perspective gloom. And it’s just a lot of fun! The combat is really violent, punchy,

Nah, this game has more atmosphere and a far more dense, believable, living world then most open-world AAA games I’ve played in years.

Because it’s fun! Crazy, right? It’s got some flaws, but way too many people are getting hung up on the negatives. This is an incredibly well-made, competent twin stick shooter, the RPG stuff is a bit lackluster, but it’s pretty fantastic overall.