
I suspect you and I have extremely different ideas of what the government should do. In this case, I think the government should protect the consumer rather than the company. In most game-specific cases the product was available to the broader public and now is inaccessible, which is different from one-edition art

Digital Media should have it’s own rules for copyright.

On a related note:

I’ve never played Need for Speed in multiplayer, except when taking turns or that one time we got one of the Undergrounds to run in a lan party. So seeing them disappear due to servers makes me really sad. Specially since Carbon and Undercover are the last one I played until picking it up again with Payback and Heat

I read this, and all I see is “I have a moral obligation to pirate the shit out of these games”. You don’t want the money? Fine. You don’t get it. Although, honestly, I want someone with the money and the guts to pirate the game, get taken to court, and argue successfully that preventing any legal way to purchase your

Assaulting any flight staff, especially just for asking you to follow the rules of the flight, should absolutely add your name to the no-fly list.

Definitely. She doesnt need to be banned from southwest, she needs to be banned from taking planes.

There’s definitely a self-selection aspect to all of this. My wife and I are polite and courteous airline passengers. We haven’t been on a plane in well over a year, and it will be a while before we fly again. There are two types of people booking airline travel right now - those who don’t have a choice and those who

I’d imagine major airlines share their banned passenger lists... if a dipshit punches a flight attendant on Delta, I’m sure United and American don’t want her onboard either.

I would love to see how a map of incidents like the ones you’ve witnessed overlap with the map of Sonic locations.

Seriously. If you do this, you should be banned from flying on any plane, ever. Want to fly to Europe? Tough shit Karen/Chad, you have to get one a boat like it’s 1948.


There needs to be zero tolerance for this kinda shit. Go straight to jail. No bond. A prison sentence and enough of a fine that it ruins their lives forever. And do the same to all the assholes that harrass and assault retail employees. 

The moment he turned around and said “I’ve got you ma’am” to the flight attendant melted my heart. But the rest of it was absolutely horrible. One of the saddest things about the last four years is how the ahole in chief taught Americans to openly hate each other and removed the shame that previously stopped most idiot

Y’all, I hate to bring it to your attention, but from my limited experiences out in the Real World these past few months, this sort of behavior isn’t limited to just airplanes.

The guy that intervened was having exactly none of Karen’s bullshit and good for him.

I fully support throwing the book at these fuckers, flying is unpleasant enough without these stupid assholes lashing out at the people who’s job it is to keep you safe and comfortable while you’re stuffed in a metal tube with a bunch

With all its problems, ED Odyssey is surprisingly still a more complete product than Star Citizen ever was.

That was my reaction too, if Corporate want to wash their hands of it and say it wasnt their decision then they cant object if editorial restore it.

They need to stop making new content, and fix what’s already there.