
I mean it always needs to be said: companies are not your friends, do not have your best interests at heart, and don’t, under any circumstances, need you standing up for them.

That’s what they pay lawyers and PR people for.

Did you read the article?
Reverse engineered code is not piracy. Also, to be able to play GTA with this code you still need the original game.
Reporting on developers making unlawful DMCA claims is certainly important, which is what this is really about.

Anyone who thinks you are lying hasn’t been on the internet more then 15 mins at most.

“I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this...”

Blizzard owns the brand name for Diablo in the same way Apple owns the brand name for Apple — only for that specific use case. This use of Diablo is for a character name in a completely unrelated medium and genre, not the cartoon’s brand name, which is Housebroken, and that makes Blizzard’s ownership of Diablo

Thanks for giving me a good chuckle! You started strong when you unironically used “snowflake” in the first sentence, but following that up with those capitalized “nos” and that Hobbit comment? Mamma Mia!*chef’s kiss*

I say, Easy mode on every game, save as much as you want, all games inclusive as hell. Who cares what

The challenge would still be there even if they included a suspend save (where it saves the game and you automatically exit to the menu, and resuming play will erase the suspend save). Shiren 5 does this.

It’s a such a bad, indefensible idea. And I don’t get the “git gud” people, when it has nothing to do with “gitting gud,” because someone could be having the best run of their lives, but if real life happens and they have to stop playing, they could lose it. No one is asking to lower the difficulty of the game.

It’s a complicated issue. Lump sum sales are good for publishers b/c it’s guaranteed income and they don’t even have to advertise to get it. We really don’t know how these numbers relate to their expected sale rates, that 1.4M could represent a year or more of expected revenue. It was launched in 2014! Also, many of th

These are all games which have been out for a long while. The vast majority of people who are taking these free offers would never have purchased the game at the normal retail price, and probably not even with a deep sale discount. When you consider that, these deals are probably very profitable for the devs.

Design doesn’t always imply intent. You can still design something but not actually know how it interacts with all the other moving parts of your game.

I never said the developers did this on purpose. However, their game design can still be considered flawed.

Whenever a character is dropped into a room without any enemy or environmental interaction, does character go through the same uninterruptible animation?

If the answer is ‘yes,’ then that’s a flaw in their

But there is a lot more to game saving than a number of specific unlocks.

At its most simple, permanent unlocks are just a Boolean variable that is part of an object. So that’s pretty easy to build in. Each upgrade has a “yes/no” variable attached to it that says whether you’ve unlocked it or not.

But remember that

Lack of a save feature doesn’t make a game harder, it just makes the developers a bunch of dicks.

$10 says that the underlying architecture of the game doesn’t allow for saving progress in any way.

This isn’t an artistic choice, but a flat out omission. If they are letting you essentially “pause” the game by suspending the console, it’s no different than allowing a “pause” when the console is turned off or if the game is updating.

I dare you to listen to Billie sing acapella and then Rihanna without autotune and tell us who you think is better. Perfectly fine not to like her music, but Billie is wildly talented.

As much as I still like Mass Effect as a whole...

My literal face the entire ending. Just giant tears. It’s over, Drake is a hot dad, his daughter is a perfect sassy mix of them. Sully and Sam are Tango and Cashing it around the world as crazy grandpa and uncle. There’s a dog and a beach and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I think the general consensus is that the Epilogue is a perfect ending to Nate’s story (and loosely Uncharted as a whole) but keeping it vaguely open to future titles that could potentially revisit the franchise in the distant future, maybe with Sully and Nate or even Cassie, at the same time not forcefully implying