
But there is a difference between disliking something or sharing criticism of it and harassing, attacking, or yelling at anyone and everyone unlucky enough to read your rants or threats.

Hold up, this math doesn’t sit right with me.

The prevailing theory I’ve heard for many of the game’s problems is that it was originally a battle royale, and shifted mid development to not be that. It makes a lot of sense: no scoreboard, massive open maps with no checkpoint flow, armor plates, even one of the specialist’s ability is to call in a loadout crate.

This is pretty ugly, and easily avoided by having an actually diverse team.

To be fair it does seem like it’s more an actual mistake than the normal COD islamophobia. The article says “This particular location is set in Stalingrad during World War II”, which seems like an odd place for a Quran to be (shoot me down if

Got to have those realistic wrinkle physics?

This guy works really really hard to make excellent games. He can call it whatever he wants. ConcernedApe has a ton of name recognition on the indie side, I’d say second to Toby Fox in my book, so it does actually make some sense. Knowing he’s made it changes the game from “cool maybe I’ll get it on sale” to “Buy on

That would be ignoring the many places both inside (i.e. any place that has non-mandatory tips, like coffee shops) and outside of the US where tipping is an option, but employees are paid fairly, where tipping is a bonus and not a part of their wage. The fact that you can legally include tips in wage is the problem,

Really surprised that Sayer isn’t on the list. 

I think you’re underestimating it a bit. While I agree that it probably won’t sweep out the entire smash audience, the cross section of ‘played melee growing up’ and ‘has nostalgia for nick’ is significant. I picked it up for these reasons and ‘online play isn’t complete garbage so I can play with my old friends’, and

When creating a logo simplicity is usually a much better choice for a lot of reasons. The best logos are simple and instantly recognizable (nike’s swoosh, mcdonald’s golden arches). You want customers to know your logo instantly, from a distance, out of the corner of their eye.

I really love the self-righteous, performative statements

It makes you think, what would matter to investors? Even if Kotick doesn’t give a fuck about sales, the investors do as they want to see a return. Sales are ultimately where the money comes from, even if it’s just a number to attract more investment. It’s true, if one game does really poorly they’ll probably sack the

This might be a hot take, but if your players aren’t having fun then (at least in cases like the above) it’s on the DM, regardless of the ruleset. That may mean tweaking or even breaking a couple of rules in favors of a great plot point your player wants to achieve, adjusting enemy stats to scale to your players, or

I think the context matters, if there were a bunch of thoughtful movies about aspects of Japan that are not Otaku culture, I don’t think this would be a conversation. It’d be a bit like if every single movie set in America was cowboy themed, it would be a little irritating when that doesn’t really represent the

I really like the vibe of this game. The action looks awesome, and the female POC protag seems fantastic. I love how the “I can do magic now” fantasy pairs with the effects that seem gorgeous and satisfying.

Is it an isekai? I mean, it’s not a white dude transported to a fantasy land full of scantily clad girls, so

A Patreon well worth backing. I hope he gets enough of us to sustain and be able to work on his project out of school. 

Some poor soul that gets paid 70c an hour to be screamed at to make these faster probably just lost their job. 

That’s your take though, I read the “Better than CP2077" article, got the game, and have been loving it so far. Are there issues? Yeah for sure, like quests that are inexplicably level gated. The top down cover based combat is still fantastic, the view is gorgeous, and some of the characters are actually interesting.

It looks like they took to Google translate for all of the Korean in the game. It also looks like all of the flipped textures are applied to signs that have/could have two sides, so they’re probably just mirrored on both sides (very common when modelling things that have two sides).

Regardless, if I was making a game

This is cancer at every level. Firing your 10% least productive rather than supporting them to improve? Cancer. Firing people based on an analysis of a vague ‘engagement’ dataset rather than far more obtainable and reliable metrics/performance reviews? Cancer. Firing people for input rather than output, basing the