
This. The article seems to rally against the redditors and investors that (legally) squeezed the naked short that was created (illegally) by a hedge fund. I’m not sure I’d hold up the former as an example of good people, but they aren’t the greedy hedge funds that are causing the most damage through unethical practices

Copy or not, Nintendo cannot legally use it. Nintendo can ask him to stop making renders for IP infringement sure, it does not mean the work created by him belongs to them.

It more like if I painted a replica of a famous painting. The original artist can ask me to stop copying them, but they can’t come repossess my

Technically? Yes. In common colloquialism? No. The vast majority of English speakers refer to the entire organ as a vagina. That’s the magic of language. 

There’s a side mission where you need to drive someone to the hospital after their black market wang mod malfunctions, so it exists in the game as a concept at least. Sad that I don’t get to give my character one though.

Ah I must not have downloaded all of the textures for this model. 

Thanks for the reply! I’m really curious, if you don’t mind sharing, what games tend to be worse/better for you, and what do you think developers could do to make games more accommodating for people with epilepsy?

I’m not arguing that the implications aren’t serious. McD’s really deserved that lawsuit iirc, and seizures can be pretty dangerous. More of that this type of warning is obvious to most of the concerned parties, and is usually included for legal reasons.

Hate to put myself near the line here, but I had always thought seizure warnings were the “this coffee is hot” of video games. I think I’ve seen them on nearly every game I’ve ever played, whether they have hard strobing effects or otherwise.

I had thought it was basically: if you’re prone to seizures, all games are

Maybe I was very drunk last night and did get the two confused. Who can say. 

Yeah FUCK bone doctors

This seems fantastic. My wrists hurt.

Finally, a commenter of taste. Even when I didn’t have a PS4 I used the controller on PC, replacing the 360 controller that I just didn’t enjoy using. Maybe it’s because I owned a ps2 when I was young and never had any Xboxes, maybe my bones have reset to find the symmetry of dual sticks much more comfortable (even

It definitely feels faster than MW to me, if just in movement alone. I think they made some tweaks after the beta, because it also feels faster than that. Also the TTK feels pretty close to MW right now, though I’m by no means a frame counter. It may also be that the maps in multiplayer seem to encourage more

Not that I’m certain at this point either way, but just to play the devil’s advocate: maybe most ghosts/spirits/hantu are looking to scare people or are looking to communicate through limited means. Why would they try to scare people who are unafraid, or communicate with people that wouldn’t listen?

If you hate it here then please leave.

So... Your partner is one of these stupid people?

This just in, you failed

I love this idea so much. I kinda want to try and make it.

Bait alert. 

You should probably let Oxford know their language is imprecise: