
Actually, I’m pretty sure the opposite is true. Having a high stick allows for better horizontal control than vertical (at least in the forward direction).

Proper ergonomics is about range of motion as well as position, which is usually based on the position your body holds at rest. Your thumb can only reach so far

Many of the comments here seem to compare this to level scaling, and I think that’s a little off. I’m not a fan of level scaling, which right now mostly means buffing enemies health and damage to match your own. The thing is, becoming an all powerful demigod is fun for about 5mins before the lack of difficulty becomes

I should actually probably be way more concerned than I am, is there an article that will scare me?

Please note: I did not assume from the comic that he would die in the game, however your nice comment did spoil it for me. Thanks again.

To be fair this is a video not yet meant for public eyes, and which means that any part of the video could be cut from the game. 

yo that one dude got stabbed with a door chunk. he ded fam.

While it is no excuse for lashing out, in my experience dating online as a man is extremely difficult. I’m an ok 5-6 (nothing special), I never sent unwarranted dick picks or start with gross pickup lines, nor would I start with just ‘hey’. I was always polite, and I worked hard to be interesting and engaging. I’d

Which movie is scarier, Jaws or Gravity?

This... this looks like a Thrawn simulator.

Whoo boy, I’ve done some stupid things.

1. Two of my friends happened to have identical 98 corollas. Naturally, we would find an empty lot and ‘joust’, wherein each car had a team of two, a driver and a gunner, the ammunition of choice being giant marshmallows, torn in half so they would stick to the opponents

What is this, a gun for ants!?

Don’t be too afraid of these, when I had Minecraft I ran the SEUS shaders on a quad-core (AMD FX-4130), Radeon R7 260 with 1GB of GRAM, a 4GB of RAM (relatively low end for a gaming PC). It ran around 30~40 FPS.

Torb and Sym can seem overpowered because they are generally hard to counter as an individual player (with notable exceptions), and contribute to the enemies team’s damage greatly if left unchecked.

I have to say that I read this in the voice of Gilbert Gottfried. If you have not done this you should mentally reread this article in his dulcet tones.

Poor little Accord. IMHO your experience is unique. I’ve had two 1996 Accords (the same model, except OBD2). The one I have now has 230k miles and runs like a dream, and will run even more like a dream after I drop an H23A VTEC into it. Considering that that is happening in a couple weeks, I’ve been beating on the