
More gaslighting. This is what keeps us in this negative cycle. It’s like when I was little getting sexually assaulted and being told not to talk about it because I’d get in trouble. We will not stand silent in the face of any type abuse anymore. NEVER AGAIN. You want us to stop discussing it? Do better and stop

And we continue to support the very people who hurt us, much to our detriment.


Black women face the same disparities as Black men. Plus, deal with society attacking their femininity and worth. Plus, men in general devaluing and sexualizing tham. Only to either A) go home to a Black man who takes out his frustrations on the world on her or B) go on the internet to see how white women do

I mean go fuck yourself

Isn’t BLM the official organization founded by black women?

There’s a reason black trans women’s life expectancy is something like 36. Those women go through it.

I see it where I work (gas station) constantly. Black women are continuously harassed. It’s something white women don’t experience to the same degree. Even while pregnant, and I’ve heard this on multiple occasions, “I’ll give that baby some food.”

Black women are always at the forefront of everything Black and take all of the beatings and then have to come to their homes and worry about Black men harming them as well. It’s a damn shame and us Black men can’t help elevate the Black community without elevating Black women and LGBT people.

I once saw a straight white Republican refer to himself as a TERF. It hurt my brain.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Omg this article is fucking perfect.

Let me find my seat real quick because the umar stans are coming.

well said.. but be prepared for the hate on here for that opinion

It goes without saying that HRC has a right to write a book. But godamit, she has a duty to write one. That is not rehashing anything, nor beating a dead horse, nor any of the other idiotic things that all of you fuckers are acccusing her of. So step off. It has not even been a year.

How weird is it those top 3 things mean something to me too. That last one is all you. I would love 45 to go down due his own undoing. But I’m not giving much effort reliving the past either. It’s kinda funny that I can support the effort Hillary put into the election and want to move on to more current issues that can

Hasn’t every failed presidential candidate from a major party in modern history written a book recounting the election? She’s doing what she’s always done which is playing by the book.

It hasn’t even been a year. She’s allowed to reflect publicly, it was a pretty major event that continues to shape this country’s future, and God knows Trump hasn’t stopped talking about it.

I voted for the lady but jeez, maybe it’s time to quit beating the equine corpse of the 2016 election?

Do tell, how was she literally robbed of the election? Trump is a monster, and the Russians conspired to interfere in the election by leaking emails and spreading fake news. All of that is true. She still lost the election and didn’t get robbed though. Nobody, not even the democrats, are arguing that she didn’t