
Im boycotting this entire franchise until they get a Black person to play Black Widow.

He got away with it & wife stood by his side. Everyone moved on but every time I see anything about I mutter “rapist” to myself.

You should hear the screeching when I bring up Kobe Bryant is a rapist.

I’m going to try something new. I’m going to look at the comments and NOT be surprised when it shifts to victim-blaming.

You don’t think gay men are more misogynistic than straight dudes?

Like a couple of years ago, she went on a rant saying that gay men were collectively more misogynistic than straight ones, which ... *eyeroll.*

And yet addicts like Charlie Sheen and Johnny Depp secure regular work. A man has to be Mickey Rourke level before his habits are considered an insurance liability. Rose’s “issues” are garden-variety, although you’re right that she’s not bankable i.e. profitable enough for anyone to want to work around her problems.

She was in a car accident that disfigured her face. Most of the procedures were reconstructive.

Rose McGowan is an awesome badass. You don’t hear from her much anymore. Wonder why? Black balled by his dank balls...?

I apologise if this has already been discussed somewhere, but I haven’t seen it - anyone feel a little queasy that the Obamas let Malia intern for him? Of course THEIR daughter was going to be safe and treated with utmost respect, but surely they had heard some of these rumours, right? They had to have an inkling that

I hate her but when there was an audit she was honest and did stand up for the victims. Standing by their stories and adding her own. It was one of the reasons the internal investigation led to ousters not just more BS burying of the allegations like most internal investigations.

Megyn Kelly explained that men in power should not “hit on” their subordinates, adding, “Men perceive laughter as a yes.”

I must have missed the court order appointing her as his attorney.

She is a lawyer. You don’t want her to represent Weinstein, give her more money to drop her client.

Actual conversation with a representative for my insurance:

They just like the NRA’s money.

I really fail to see why gun ownership is the hill that the Republicans chose to die on (pun intended). They can blather all they want about 2nd amendment herp-derp, but they can’t say that mass shootings are a tragedy, make sad faces, then ignore the issue until the next mass shooting. How did we get to this point?

The Second Amendment allows citizen ownership of guns as part of a well-regulated militia. So, you either take the viewpoint that the well-regulated militia is the US Army, Navy, Marines, Airforce, Coast Guard, and various Reserve and Guards, or that we need a true militia that could somehow resist the others if they

And nothing about timing made her throw in the bullshit framing of:

We’ve informally reached out to a few people who work in TV news who confirm there isn’t a specific hard break until the end of the hour. This break occurred during the show’s first half.