
I haven’t had any first hand experience with her (thank god) but yes, this woman is a pure opportunist. But she is also very smart and it makes her dangerous. She went from working for Al Gore, to Celebrity Apprentice, to becoming an ordained minister, an Obama supporter, and now a Trump mouthpiece. This is probably

Fuck that bullshit, you racist fuck.

A lot of people have wondered if it’s offensive though, given on its reliance on its seeming reliance on the “white=good, black=bad,” symbology that often has had racist roots. So, I don’t think that necessarily means that Omarosa is dumb. She could have taken genuine offense, even though it actually is not a racist

I used to respect that about her, even if I didn’t like her personality. Now she doesn’t even have that going for her.

Katrina? When he got on, he left her ass for a white girl.

I cannot make it more than a minute through this woman’s spiel. I admit, I don’t even know who she is, but I’m beginning to see why Trump picked her for the shittiest dodge ball team ever.

She carries herself better than Spicer, who looks unhinged.

I don’t like her but I have to give props bc she played a great long game.

Selena Gomez is a huge hypocrite

I will likely never watch this show but isn’t she the one who in some acceptance speech recently she complained about naked bodies on instagsram and now that she’s deep in some PR cycle we all got to see her butt on insta? That’s her right?

Crass = telling women they have to sleep with him to keep their jobs. Okay, dude. Also, it’s not like he did it accidentally. He didn’t trip and, oops, sexually harass multiple women. Come the fuck on.

Thank you for posting these links. People act like Ben is swell because he directed Argo, bfd.

I love her, but I would have understood if she never said anything at all. There are so few WOC in entertainment, and even fewer Asian women. Let the white women call out these assholes; they’re a dime a dozen in Hollywood.

Constance Wu is a badass. Doing the thing your conscience tells you is right even if it could hurt you (career-wise, in this case) is honorable and beautiful and I am really impressed by her speaking up. I also agree with her re: Casey Affleck. What a turd.

She certainly doesn’t seem at all interested in politics - she’ll just get trotted out by Trump when he needs a First Lady for some function or another. I can’t really hate her for toeing the party line - loathsome as Trump’s beliefs are, he’s her meal ticket. By all accounts there looks like zero affection between

Yes! I can feel sorry for her and still think she is not that great of a person.

She accused him of hating her because she was white with NO apparent basis for it, then called him rude. She’s a nut.

It just confirms that she was projecting in much the same way Lena Dunham projected her version of how a black man felt about her at the Met Gala.

Really? He seems absolutely fine in this exchange. You can tell pretty early on that he got the crazy vibe from her crazy texts, so he backed off and was just hoking. He was never disrespectful and didn’t ghost her. He. . . seems fine?