Miranda Lightstone

Many years back, I had the opportunity to drive a mid-’20s Ford Model T. As a driver of all cars (and writer about them), it was a huge honour to get behind the wheel, and also extremely stressful as the 90+ year old owner was beside the entire time, staring me down, and shouting instructions at me in garbled

Finnish that park job; I dare you.

CBC always seems to air the ENTIRE thing. Every year I’ve watched it on that network and it seems relatively unedited and unbiased from what I can tell.

As a mum and auto journalist myself this article makes absolute and complete sense! As I was already on maternity leave when Owen graced us with his presence, I had no press vehicle on hand. However, bringing him home in our ‘04 Subaru WRX seemed suitable enough (especially at the end of November in Montreal, QC!).

The above posts/replies pretty much sum up most of what’s wrong with the Lexus lineup.

Early 2000s Honda Civic? Looks appropriately bulbous and non-desctript ... but then it’s also very, very clear for an older car.