
His daughter's not exactly doing a whole lot of jumping to anyone's defense herself.

Counterargument: the episode where Jane learns to drive. Or tries to learn. That's the joke. Even as a nine year old, I did not laugh.

Are you kidding? They were the ones knitting pussyhats back in January.

"You're moralistic," says man attempting to impose personal view of how universe should work on others via insults.

Not fast enough. There are still people parroting the "we need a businessman in charge" line.

Ooookay, which universal brother's day was it to keep Uncle Steve away from the bourbon?

Even if we need to acknowledge those who would deny others' basic humanity are still human beings themselves, that doesn't mean the rest of us have to invite them to Sunday dinner.

I want to know who these people are that go to the park just so they can have a moment of "emotional resonance" with the statues. Because I seriously doubt they existed, until the folks who actually did notice that they were supposed to be having fun while surrounded by the people who fought to enslave them piped up

Well, there were some journalists, but we know Trump doesn't count them as "good people."

Sadly, yes.

That's an insult to Jameson.

Oh, now he cares about the beauty of public spaces. The National Park Service will be thrilled.

As people are already pointing out, some of them might even be of him.

I think it's particularly telling when he gets to the middle of the bit and just starts listing all the stuff that's happened. He's not even trying for humor at that point. He just needs to get this out there.

I think if she doesn't see herself coming with you, you should just agree it's been a good run and start talking logistics about dealing with the house. Take it from someone with experience: long distance is hard enough when you're both 100% committed to making it work and have an end date in mind. If you're having

Is your dad willing to say, "She doesn't want to talk to you, we're not helping you get around that, and you need to leave all of us alone before this gets really creepy"? If he just misses you, hopefully that'll be enough of a wake-up call that it's time to move on. If his plan is to keep trying until he's able to

I'm sorry, but good for you for taking the steps to get help.

Oh, I'm not kidding myself there's any way to get him out of office before 2020 (and I'm certainly not taking that for granted). I'm just leaving the formal salutation out of my letters to my representatives about the latest horrible thing he did from now on.

I can't believe the sheer number of people convinced the media is literally worse than Hitler.

I've avoided saying "not my president," because he was elected president, whether I like it or not. Nope. Not any more. He only wants to be president to his base, while shitting on the only parts of the Declaration and Constitution he can reasonably be expected to have read, I'm not giving him the respect of the