
Don't give them ideas!

Don't give them ideas!

Ha ha! Fools! You've been posting on Kinja all along!

Ha ha! Fools! You've been posting on Kinja all along!

Oh, come on. How could we possibly do a worse job than the current people in charge?

Oh, come on. How could we possibly do a worse job than the current people in charge?

Oh, what the hell. Tell us anyway?

Oh, what the hell. Tell us anyway?

We can't all be the Lindbergh baby!

We can't all be the Lindbergh baby!

We can't all be the Lindbergh baby!

Just keep doing what we're doing. Got it.

Just keep doing what we're doing. Got it.

That's the secret plan. They're just trying to wear us down.

That's the secret plan. They're just trying to wear us down.

It's okay. Happens to a lot of commenting systems.

It's okay. Happens to a lot of commenting systems.

Not after the millennials are done with 'em!

Not after the millennials are done with 'em!

Okay, fine, you don't, but be miserable with us!