
They/Their/Them pronouns. :)

Let me know what you think.

I mean, maybe. Longbourn has a steady subtext of the family being utterly oblivious to the workload and the private lives of the staff, barely even remembering characters who are now dear to the reader. That includes Elizabeth, and eventually Darcy. Wickham is more directly treated like the pervert he is.

I hear tell, not all of those big jewels were obtained quite on the up-and-up, and that there are a couple countries that would like a word with them, but this can’t possible be the case. ;)

Literally and literately, thank you.

Okay, you’re right, and seeing it all put into words crystallized it for me. I am reluctantly amused by her, but no show for me.

It’s my first post in literal years, so I got to look at all my accumulated notices, and get reminded of my opinion of Joss Whedon 4 years ago. That was fun.

Don’t look at me like that, it’s relevant. We’re always figuring out where we stand with artist and their art.

Personally, I’m more lenient toward dead people

If you can’t kindly train an animal who is designed to crave your love more than anything else on the planet, you’re kinda incompetent. Or looking for someone on whom to vent your frustrations.

I wonder what they told the vet.

I’m so sorry for your loss. “Disciplining” is often just a cover for having lost control of your emotions and genuinely wanting to hurt something or someone.

Having been on both sides of the BK counter ... nope. I don’t want to tell a stranger about my mood, and they don’t want to hear about my mood. What then? How ... blue ... are you? Are you “need a hotline number” blue? No, of course not, everyone stops making eye contact, and life moves on.

According to her, the only time she attacked him was when she saw him going after her sister, who was at the top of the stairs.

Yeah, I get it, and I know you’re right. I guess I just would be Team LVP in this matter no matter what. I worked at a shelter for 4 years and rescue my pets, so I have 0 patience for people who dismiss an adoption agreement they signed, thinking they know better than the people who devote their lives to animals.

I see your point, but a lot of the criticism is that she made Dorit look bad/was being malicious. Dorit certainly still thinks LVP is picking on her for no good reason.

That was my next guess. :)

Watch What Crappens?

Lisa is in trouble for outting Dorit on shit Dorit actually did. I don’t agree with her trying to leave Teddi holding the bag, but I have no real issue with Lisa embarrassing Dorit. Dorit should be embarrassed, for so many things, but let’s start here.

This whole thing has made me think less of anyone who isn’t LVP. If she did set it up, it’s kinda understandable. Dorit is horrible, and has always been horrible, and she has as much business having pets as Donald Trump. Some people shouldn’t even have a cactus.

Decent can mean, “Meh,” but it can also mean having decency, which usually can be summed up as having positive attributes, including kindness and morality. I know what qualifies as morality is highly subjective.

I started out wondering what you were probably blowing out of proportion, and ended with “That monster! Stone him!”