
Well, ya didn't have to go and ruin it for everyone.

There's an iPad commercial that ends with a little boy learning about dinosaurs in a sweet little bedroom tent. Every time I see it, I get livid and I shout at my boyfriend "HOW DOES THAT KID HAVE AN IPAD?! I DON'T EVEN HAVE AN IPAD!!!"

Burns me, man. Last statistic I heard from Planned Parenthood is that 87% of counties in the United States lack an abortion provider. PP has been forced to close so many clinics that increasingly, women don't even have access to preventative care. Most conservatives don't seem to understand that none of us want to

Another good dairy-free butter substitute is butter-flavored Crisco (vegetable shortening). The can is yellow instead of blue.

Please tell me your union boss has seen this:

Agreed. That's why I'm on ecstasy 24/7. I can't wait a half hour for my roll to start!

I told my boyfriend that if he wants me to change my last name to his, he'll first have to sing "Tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof in full. With dance moves.

I've had my eye on this from My Baby Jo Vintage. I've never ordered from them, so I can't tell you if it's any good or not, but it seems affordable to me. The longer waist cinchers come in black and white, and they also have a shorter garter belt. I'm tempted because the clips are metal, which is hard to come by

Nice pep talk! Seems like it pretty much boils down to Wil Wheaton's advice: "Don't be a dick."

Wait, so this is a thread for bragging about our motorcycles, right? 1971 Honda CL 100.

"Telling that eleven-year-old girl she's contributing to the genocide of her people unless she gives birth sounds like an excellent solution."

I live in Minnesota. In the winter, I'm always wearing two pairs of black tights.

I go out dancing in my super comfortable leather Frye boots over tights, but sometimes I put socks on over the tights so my feet are more comfortable and not sliding around in there all sweaty. I just want to bust moves and beat up beats all night, you know?

For big work, I do a little less. I know the artist doesn't keep all of the money, but a bigger piece means bigger dollars, regardless of what percentage of the hourly rate they get. I also show up with my art mostly drawn up so they're not doing much sketching outside of our appointment. On a $900 backpiece, I

The little boy I nannied fell down twice in the same week. Nothing as serious as a black eye or a missing tooth, but he definitely had a couple scrapes. These things happen to toddlers and young kids, even if you're the most attentive caretaker in the world. It's an awful headline.

I would love pale to be the ideal again.

Anytime Smell-o-Vision is mentioned, I get all flustered and I think "B-but but John Waters invented that! It's called Odorama!"

My ex-boyfriend's brother had three kidneys. It was pretty well accepted that he had been a twin, then absorbed his sibling because the body sometimes knows to favor one over the other. Otherwise a perfectly healthy guy. Huge, though—6'5" and heavy. Extra cells elsewhere?

I'm incredibly pro-choice and see no problem with things like late term abortions or other caveats that upset many otherwise pro-choice people.

I think one of the main reasons so many pop stars/actresses who sing about/act in movies featuring feminist themes are quick to say "Noooo, I'm not a feminist!" in interviews is because of the ugliness stereotype.