
When a company is in trouble, only the highest paid get yelled at.

"mean bullies would sing the vile, infamous song at her in a mocking tone."

Pointing out he is black is not racist.

The way how I calculated it, that would have to be their speed throughout the entire path.

I've seen a lot of what I think you are talking about.

DARPA doesn't use money.

Only in animes.


Ah, alright. This bit was a bit confusing when I first read it, I guess.

You know, seeing this, I'm pretty sure I saw something about a Facebook update slated for November 5 about a week ago... something about adding videochat (skype) and improving the lists (to compete with G+ circles) and some other more minor stuff?

"Choosing to live in a world of fantasy instead of reality since the release of V for Vendetta"

FB is already pretty much DDoS proof.

All of their hacking is very low-tech.

The privacy settings aren't bad if you know what you're doing, and have something that isn't botox above your shoulders.

It's probably what it is going to be.

Does it really need to attach a propellant to to the junk?

Some of them I assume would put photos up for a few minutes, maybe an hour, and then take them down.

It is real, and it is photoshopped.

The issue is not facebook as much as it is the phone.

Some people are into that sort of stuff.