Only people on iPads/iPhones like the current layout better than the only from 4 (5?) months ago.
Only people on iPads/iPhones like the current layout better than the only from 4 (5?) months ago.
So the police and cryptographers are dismissing it entirely because....?
Pretty sure that comment wasn't as much about the apple stuff as it was making a mountain out of a molehill, and then using something vaguely styled off of your writing.
It seems like it is sort of Matt's writing style - declaring all out war over something nobody else cares about nor even noticed.
People believe that they are entitled to what was in their contract. It is a bit different.
If it doesn't qualify yet, a lot of pissed off people and their lawyers will make it qualify.
That was a good episode.
Unless your dream is to be made into an etch-a-sketch.
I'd still prefer being turned in an etch-a-sketch.
In which case they should just use the google software anyways.
Every girl has pores.
arg, accidentally submitted a blank reply, and I can't delete it.
You're thinking of cardiac arrest.
It's been that way for quite a while due to public nudity laws.
In western society, the rest of the boob is considered "safe" to anyone besides the overly religious.
It's been sort of the standard for a long time.
CGI is in the title...
The only part of the breast that is considered "naughty" by anyone besides the overly-religious folk is the nipple.