
"In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe."

As far as evolution goes... it's very evident in plant life.

I guess that would explain the term "Jew Fro" as well.

Two more people to add to my list.

Yes, the reasoning he gave as to why he chose MS word is the nail in the coffin for the premeditation part of his charges, but this will certainly get him off the hook for it because he is crazy. (/sarcasm)

Not a new species.

"It would be a "species" if there are more than a single individual and are able to reproduce on their own."

My uncle is gonna have to explain how he got the cancer in his bunghole (prostate)....

It seems like everyone is talking about Florida being home to the crazy gun people. I thought Florida was home to the crazy old people.

Well, a trailer park is a trailer park.

Every time I see a post like this, I have to mention something.

Nah, it'd only keep the normal ones away.

Beauty AND function.

In a single brush stroke, he created land.

So it isn't just the random Canadian that has nothing better to do than take pictures of their cat.

If you go strictly by that book, the earth is only 4,000 years old.

I always thought that the asteroid explanation also involved a lot of lava/hot rock.

My point is that even smallpox could be avoided without a "needle or pill."

I'm sure someone was immune....