Lucasfilm has reportedly realized it should only be making Star Wars stuff now
Lucasfilm has reportedly realized it should only be making Star Wars stuff now
I thought it was a hoot. I think the reason it felt kinda slow is that it wasn’t all CG, actually. It felt very much like a bunch of actors and/or stunt performers on rails, obeying the very real laws of physics. Corny, for sure, but I get the distinct impression they were going for less of a Fast and Furious vibe,…
Crimes of the Future is a delightful period curio. Unsettling mood, surreal humor, INCREDIBLE locations (if you happen to have a thing for mid-century brutalist office and university buildings, anyway.) I’m positively giddy at the prospect of any kind of adaption of that short, and doubly so about Cronenberg returning…
Christ on a crutch, I had no idea that queer representation in media was okay now. Thanks so much for the clarification, everyone.
Hell, if he put some burnt cork on his face, he could pretend to be black!
No beef with Azaria, he’s definitely on the right side of history on that. But if we’re going to talk about representation in the film, why give the role of the only out gay character to a straight male? It’s a missed opportunity.
Precisely this. Bleak disaster movies about avoidable disasters are designed to show the audience what happens if we don’t do anything. The only problem here (as with most good satire) is that the audience that needs to see it, won’t.
Yeah, more pitch-black satires should have happy endings!
I always loved Quantum Leap but never really got over the fact that it was a knock off of (though certainly a massive improvement on) the premise of another show I loved, Voyagers! A fish out of water teams up with a seasoned veteran, jumping around through time, fixing issues with the past that will improve the…
Hank Azaria (who plays Apple CEO Tim Cook)
Well, if you’re itching to support a Black-owned popcorn business that’s taken a hit during the pandemic, Kernels Nashville Popcorn is delicious, and their website totally works! I recommend the Downtown mix or the Music City mix, or both!
1998 was the year I developed a permacrush on Jennifer Lopez. Jack was the gateway, and Out of Sight just sealed the deal.
That’s actually a pretty serviceable Pacino.
Also, we’re getting older. The older we get, the more people we admire also get old, and are more likely to die. Give it another 5-10 years, and your friends will start dying, too. It sucks.
The similarities were really remarkable. Arthur is Hughey, Superion is Homelander, Overkill is Black Noir, Joan of Arc is Stormfront. I know they were drawing on a lot of the same inspiration (and it’s entirely possible that this iteration of The Tick was knocking off The Boys comic) but . . . well, damnit, I’ve been…
Still mad about this bumping The Tick from Prime’s line-up, even though I have no idea if that’s actually what happened.
Man, every dude that had a poster of Audrey Hepburn on his wall in college is so pissed right now.
He’s always looked younger than his real age (he was 23 in the first Karate Kid!) That part I think is god’s gift. That wig, on the other hand, is god’s mistake.