Dr Baby

He is not.

I started thinning when I was 19. At the time, Rogaine was the state of the art, and I used the shit out of it for a while, and then I just cut it all off with a #2 guard and didn’t look back. In retrospect, I could have held out longer, c’est la vie. 

Don’t tell Bigfoot.

You’re not wrong, and also . . . Global Warming doesn’t just change the type of weather we see, it exacerbates “normal” weather events to be more extreme, more severe.

In this case, 8-10" fell in less than 5 hours, a rate of accumulation that’s about half the rate for the all-time record for snowfall in the US, which

Man, I was really hoping that atrocious wig was just for Cobra Kai. Let it go, bud. You’re bald . . . We’re bald.

Judge didn’t say what the movie would be about.

In the case of the Quiznos ads, they were actually more plugged in than checked out.

Glue is traditionally bad for gears, so that could actually be a good thing. 

. . . but it helps! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Hunter & Bobbi’s farewell episode was the first time Agents of SHIELD made me cry. It wouldn’t be the last time, of course. What a show.

I’ve never seen a Matt Houston, but . . . yes.

Yeah, it wasn’t perfect. As someone else in the comments (or maybe even the recap? Maybe it was you? What am I gonna do, scroll up?) said, the show feels a lot like one that was fully written and fleshed out with Clint, Kate, Eleanor, Jaques, Kazi, Maya at the center of it, with Fisk as the big reveal, and then

Maybe Kingpin knows it belongs to Agent 19, and is hoping it will lead him to her. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess I’m less prone to look at gaps in storytelling as “Plot Holes” and more as “openings to explore more stories down the road . . . or not.”

If it says anything, I was a big fan of Brian Cronin’s Abandoned an’ Foresaken

At a black market auction, presumably as well advertised as a black market auction could be, selling at least three lots of items recovered from the wreckage of the Avenger’s compound, there’s a watch with a clearly legible SHIELD logo on the back, and it’s “pinging.” That strikes me as reason enough for Kingpin would

I’m old enough to remember getting hyped for Raimi’s Spider-Man before it came out, and guys, the trailers for Spider-Man didn’t have a lot of Raimi’s flourishes either. He’s not exactly a style over substance guy. His seasick camera pushes and dolly zooms and whatnot typically mark a shift in tone within a scene,

Like the Rolex because the Tracksuit mafia specifically went to the auction to look for it, then it was supposed to be a major piece in some big thing only to turn out to be just Clint’s wife’s watch?

I’m always shocked at the evident glee people on the left demonstrate when they get to say “free market, pal” to people who would probably foolishly argue it themselves in every other sense.

Nothing to do with this story, but go off.

He’s also producing shows with plot lines like “Japanese people are uptight about cultural norms” and “fat guy steals food and falls through roof” in 2021, so I’m guessing cultural sensitivity isn’t high up on the list of core values for Curb’s cast and crew.

He didn’t actually do anything wrong