Dr Baby

a few crackwhores are going to show up in any job”

If you’re saying that the types of systemic abuses that often lead to mental health and substance abuse disorders aren’t limited to the entertainment industry, then you are correct. I bet that’s not what you’re saying, though.

The Five-Timer’s Club belongs to a single Five-Timer. The Five-Timers Club is a club for all Five-Timers, but it doesn’t belong to them. The Five-Timers’ Club is a club that belongs to all Five-Timers.

You must not spend much time on the internet. People are STUPID. They think that there’s a cabal of billionaire cannibals conducting a child trafficking operation out of the basement of a pizza place that doesn’t have a basement. They think that a global pandemic that has killed millions is either a) not real,

So funny how folks tend to assume that their audience is too dumb to understand a joke, and never that their joke was terrible.

Prime used to have the most remarkable lineup of trash, B-movies and direct to VHS miracles. But most of them have disappeared over the last year. It’s a real bummer. 

Also, yeah, they got mad, they just felt pressured not to say anything. Times change, usually for the better. People, not so much.

This absolutely does not follow, in any mathematical or logical sense.

Oh, sorry, Punisher fought him on Daredevil. We’re both right!

I think it was Daredevil actually, but, yeah, him too!

Can’t forget Michelle Yeoh as Aleta Ogord in GotG2 and then also Shang Chi’s auntie in Legend of the Ten Rings. Or Kenneth Choi as Jim Morita in The First Avenger and Morita’s grandson in Homecoming.

Anyway, Marvel has the rights to every previous iteration of Marvel superhero movie now, outside the SPUoMC or

We were all so naive at the turn of the century.

Take THAT, Catherine Zeta-Jones!

But she’s so TAN.

I loved the first half, the part that was a pilot for a TV show about two pretty ladies solving a murder mystery in LA. But then it took a hard left turn into stylized padding and I lost interest.

If none of it matters, then why did I spend my lunch break writing a story about a guy somehow being pelted with spitballs by every person on the internet, including an anecdote about the time I huffed helium at a birthday party in the 9th grade? I’m begging you take this at least as seriously as I did.

Eyes closed, he sighs deeply and pinches the bridge of his nose.

“They need to know. They’d want to know. Someone needs to tell them.”

With a heavy heart, he raises his right finger in the air, in the universal symbol of “um, actually...”

Um, actually, 2001 was the first year of the 21st century. 2000 was the final

While certainly not the sole–or even best–metric to measure a work’s merit, popularity does have it’s place. But, again, that’s not the only metric I’m using, and 50 years of critical consensus must have some meaning.

And it always blows my mind when grown adults haven’t quite grasped the idea that the things they like aren’t necessarily the best. Of course, commercial success alone isn’t an indicator of quality. If one album outsells another sixfold, though, and receives nearly-universal critical acclaim, it might be an indicator.


You can say that you prefer Ram to All Things Must Pass, but the latter was more successful both critically and commercially. In as much as any work of art can be “better” than any other, All Things Must Pass is objectively better than Ram.