After playing GTA 3 for the first time at a friend’s house, I left as usual to drive home. Fortunately, it only took me a couple of blocks to realize that I’d been running stop signs and speeding indiscriminately. Truly surreal experience.
After playing GTA 3 for the first time at a friend’s house, I left as usual to drive home. Fortunately, it only took me a couple of blocks to realize that I’d been running stop signs and speeding indiscriminately. Truly surreal experience.
“Doe-eyed” is not the descriptor I would lead with here.
*everything the action scenes in the movies arent.
What If...? was kinda lumpy and inconsistent, but goddamn, the action scenes just SANG. Crisp, clear, thrilling, innovative, everything the movies aren’t.
At least two separate interviews, plus an editorial in the NYT. I have immense respect for Scorsese as a filmmaker, and actually agree with much of the meat of his argument, but I don’t know how you can blame Superhero movies specifically for the death of cinema, but not, say, Shrek, Minions, Princess Diaries, The…
Maybe less “lack of reverence for superhero movies” and more “Constantly bagging on superhero movies as representing the commodification and ‘contentification’ of Cinema, and then making a fucking classic rock biopic for a streaming service that most folks will watch on a 13" screen.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Crushin’ on Kerri Kenney since 1995, no end in site . . .
Citizen Son Patrol
I absolutely remember everything about the first time I heard “You Oughta Know” on the radio. That song was huge in every imaginable way.
Speaking only for myself, I’ve been trying not to be distracted by how weird Nicole Kidman looks for nearly 20 years.
Science: We must reduce CO2 emissions immediately to prevent irreversible climate catastrophe.
Also science: Here’s how to turn a hotdog entirely into CO2.
Sorry, I thought we were talking about eradicating vaccine-preventable disease here. I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout birthin’ babies.
Missed opportunity for “Wookiee Dookie” tbh
17 years between Return of the Jedi and Phantom Menace, 10 years between Revenge of the Sith and Rise of Skywalker, I think we’ll be okay.
I mean, assuming you care about the future of the human race, that future will be made up largely–if not entirely–of children who have yet to be born.
Excellent question. I find Ayoade to be so delightful–as a writer, actor, and director–that I didn’t think it was possible to find him unlikable in any way. Turns out, watching him moan and grump about being subjected to lavish travel in exotic locales was all it took.
Just wait until the end of the first episode, when the meeting turns out to be about Baby Chewbacca or some shit!
Sounds very similar to the UK show Travel Man, which was a lot of fun, though it did manage to make Richard Ayoade moderately less likable, which honestly I didn’t think possible.
Yeeeeah, my poor lil 2017 MacBook Air isn’t up to the challenge of the 360º experience. Fortunately, IGN has a version that’s, you know, watchable.