Dr Baby

you now also have to consider how many viewers the film brought to the production company’s streaming app.

Duchovny joked he that even auditioned for the role of the young Tanner twins, played famously by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.

Shame, I’ve really been enjoying the adaptation. Took me a few episodes to settle in, but I’ve appreciated the changes made to the source material, and (having just finished re-reading the comic run) might actually have been starting to like it better than the source. If nothing else, eliminating all of the

Not really even news. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t know why I’m surprised that they guy who thought The Hobbit should be eight hours long keeps churning out four-minute “trailers.”

meh. If Steve is in the Hydra Stomper, he’s going to be a very old man, right?

It’s so surreal to thoroughly enjoy a TV show week after week, only to read recaps and reviews explaining what a complete and total disaster it is. 

What If . . . MShep skipped work and read comic books in bed all day?!

Now playing

I will take any excuse to share this video, which has given me great joy.

Odd that they opted to go with Frank Weller instead of Frank Welker, long-time voice of Fred and Scooby. But, hey, more like Hollyweird, amirite?

Man, I sure wish there was an “Experts” version of these recaps that took the existence of the comic into account. 

The only thing I know for sure is that Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. 

I can’t help but notice that there’s now a puzzling trend of female leads from the MCU not showing up on What If…?

Why, oh why, does this popular culture news site insist on reporting popular culture news?

Except Jennings tweeted that shit when he was 40. 

3/1 Champion-to-Campion ratio. 

I thought it was fun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Ah, so grown men are still crying about Ghostbusters. Good to know. 

Fairly that’s been the extent of my interaction with the venerable chancellor up to this point. I just can’t imagine logging into a website every day just to say “This place is terrible, and so are all the posters here!”

Beautiful people who live in Hollywood have beautiful children who live in Hollywood, so I’d be really surprised if there weren’t at least one Hollywood scion working on most productions. That said, is it really that epidemic?