You could leave, too. That would be cool.
You could leave, too. That would be cool.
Actually reading that article again, it seems that it’s likely that Majors was cast as HWR and then also Kang before Loki started shooting, so, just, like, never mind.
Nice to see that the tradition of MCU retconning has made it into casting news and making-of specials, because . . .
Y’all, this is a work. These dudes are absolutely best friends behind the scenes, just generating a little heat for the junket (and it worked!)
David Gordon Green has had such a weird career path: esteemed indie dramas; stoner comedies; gripping Oscar-baiting dramas no one saw; journeyman TV director; and now horror retcon sequels (in addition to Halloween–if IMDB is to be believed, anyway–Hellraiser and The Exorcist.)
My (admittedly limited) understanding is that there is essentially no climate in America suitable for growing coca plant, which thrives primarily in the Andes, meaning that a legal cocaine supply chain would be reliant mostly–if not entirely–on imports from other countries, like the countries where cocaine is already…
Genuinely curious what the properly regulated production of cocaine would look like.
Brooklyn was a SHITHOLE by and large. Curious to see how they handle that part of it.
Counterpoint: It’s pretty cool that non-white folks will see themselves reflected in the casting of major characters on the show, and that the creators don’t feel chained to creative decisions that they made 32 years ago.
Shipping? Shilling? Shimming? It’s shipping, isn’t it? I bet it’s shipping.
This isn’t going anywhere. We agree that Lewinsky and other public figures have been unfairly “shamed” out of the public sphere, and we agree that sexual predators and unrepentant racists/misogynist/homophobes should face consequences for their words and actions.
Where we diverge is that I don’t think the two…
But that doesn’t mean everyone shamed publicly by the internet deserves it. That innocent people aren’t sometimes caught by mistake. And that sometimes people get far more hate than they deserve.
I’ll just paste this here from the comment you responded to: Lewinsky was absolutely pilloried by the media and culture at large and done a great disservice in the process.
And then I’ll add, puritanical “slut-shaming” behavior is abhorrent, and always has been. Even worse is the gossip-industrial complex that spun up…
feeling shitty about stuff like this helps precisely nobody
Apples and oranges. Lewinsky was absolutely pilloried by the media and culture at large and done a great disservice in the process, but since it was 25 years ago, I’d argue that she’s a poor example of someone wrongly victimized by the current scourge of “wokeness” or “cancel culture.” Using the beginning of the…
let’s not pretend that no one was wrongly cancelled or overly punished.
so many people wouldn’t be talking about it if it was just a myth.
This is so last week. Here in Nashville, we’ve already moved on to the man who was arrested two blocks away for getting coked up and firing his Glock into the air.
I still haven’t seen it, probably should. I was a BIIIIIIG fan, started watching on the KTMA days, and then caught it on Comedy Central when my family relocated. I taped every episode, showed all my friends, got the newsletter. But I took it personally when Joel left. I took his side, and STILL haven’t watched any of…
I would define ages, in this case, as “nearly a decade and seventeen movies into the series.”