Friendly reminder that cocaine is actually pretty heavily reliant on child exploitation.
Friendly reminder that cocaine is actually pretty heavily reliant on child exploitation.
Seriously, I can’t believe anyone’s giving her a platform at all, seeing as how her dumbfuckery contributed indirectly to (for example) the girl who was my lab partner in 9th grade science class believing, sincerely, that a Facebook post of a screenshot of a Tweeted link to an OAN article is definitive proof that…
Not sure I understand how posting streaming content they already own and are just sitting on for reasons would constitute Disney’s “willingness to throw money around,” but what do I know? I’m 44.
Any discussion of Har Mar should include a mention of his criminally underrated late-90s band Calvin Krime.
The sequel is long in the tooth? Has this been on the shelf for a while?
Reboot. Recast with new actors and non-token representation. Devote a full season to each book. The only additional material you add in is what Rowling has added to the lore after the fact (Dumbledore is gay, Hermione is black, etc.) Bring back the original cast in featured roles (teachers, Ministry of Magic folks,…
Yeah, but they REALLY don’t like being called out on Twitter.
Boba Fett fell into a Sarlac Pit. Darth Maul was CUT IN HALF and fell into a bottomless pit. Palpatine was hurled into a similarly bottomless pit.
Apparently my photo didn’t attach, but he posted a selfie of his grinchy ass shushing the internet on Instagram.
Could have been Ezra Bridger from Rebels. A lot of folks were guessing it could be Mace Windu. Skywalker was always a possibility, but it wasn’t until I saw this dumb shit on Friday afternoon that I was SURE it would be him.
Armisen was pre-Pharaoh, right? He left in 2013, and Pharaoh was fired in 2016.
~1984, Shawnee, KS. I was in the 2nd grade. My mom sent me to school with flowers from her garden to bring to my teacher (she did this often). Mustered in the cafeteria first thing in the morning, waiting to be released to class, a group of older boys clocked me and started singing “Hot For Teacher” in unison. I…
Just cancel the fucking show.
My first exposure to Cohen was through a different cover, Concrete Blonde’s “Everybody Knows” from the Pump Up The Volume soundtrack. That record was pretty significant for me as a kid, and the movie also resulted in a lifelong crush on Samantha Mathis.
You’re all insane. I’m already in line to buy tickets to this. If they can actually get Tom Holland involved, a film adaptation of Kraven’s Last Hunt could be the best Spider-Man movie yet.
The debut LP from the Prudish Few is out today. RIYL TMBG; the Feelies; IRS-era REM; REM-era IRS; Vertical Scratchers; I dunno, Rush?
I came here to make the same joke. Like, word for word. Uncanny.
I, too, get a little sniffy when people say “Graphic Novel” instead of “Comic Book.” When I started reading comics in the mid-80s, I remember when the term was used for large format standalone comics, and I also remember when old people and non-nerds began referring to comic books as graphic novels to lend them an air…
I suppose using the “Batmobile broke it’s wheel” variation from “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire” would have confounded the results?