After hating every new rapper since (checks stone tablets) Ma$e, I actually like this, so I guess I’m back to being relevant again!
After hating every new rapper since (checks stone tablets) Ma$e, I actually like this, so I guess I’m back to being relevant again!
I saw them at a small club in Nashville on their first tour, opening for Mike Watt. Eddy Vedder played drum with Hovercraft. It was a helluva thing for my little teenaged brain to take in.
the original 1985 film remains one of the greatest comedies of all time
a meta reboot of a beloved musical franchise that was about making a reboot of a beloved musical franchise
I think yes, though not in the conventional sense. But then, everything I know about afro-futurism comes from one (very excellent) episode of This American Life.
Oh, fuck, I hate this so much.
Nah, it was fine.
I know you are, but–and hear me out here–what am I?
As good a time as any to recommend this documentary about Tyrus Wong, the artist responsible for many of the most visually striking aspects of the original film.
The kid is cute and funny. Also, I think the runtime of two minutes is a definite improvement. B-
Full name, Imogen Gay Poots. Primary school must have been fun.
I got a Shooby Taylor notification for this?
From Wikipedez: “She became known as a media pundit in the late 1990s, appearing in print and on cable news as an outspoken critic of the Clinton administration. Her first book concerned the Bill Clinton impeachment, and sprang from her experience writing legal briefs for Paula Jones’s attorneys, as well as columns…
I agree that Betty Gilpin is too pretty to play all other women.
Literally the least objectionable thing about Coulter is her appearance. I know that [squints, does a headcount] about 32% of y’all are better than that.
He’ll always be “Chavez’s Matt Sweeney” to me.
Christ, y’all are exhausting. Social mores change over time. When Apu was introduced in 19-fucking-90, it was perfectly normal for white voice actors to do racist caricatures of non-white characters. Now it’s not, and that’s fine. IT’S FINE. No one being hurt by this change.
It’s like, once they realized what a stinker they had on their hands, they just put the post credit scene in the trailer.
My now-wife said no multiple times because she didn’t believe in the institution of marriage. We were young and poor, though, so I tried to use the leverage of insurance and tax breaks to make the case to her. We had a fight about it while doing the dishes one night, and then the next day she sent me a message on…
They were high school sweethearts, and she’s a cardiologist, so presumably they’ve been together for at least a decade.