I am 100% here for the AI-generated porn boom. More weirdness, less exploitation, and an endless stream of content? That’s a win-win-win.
I am 100% here for the AI-generated porn boom. More weirdness, less exploitation, and an endless stream of content? That’s a win-win-win.
no one thought to push this movie’s release date back to a time when there wasn’t a raging wildfire destroying California?
Watched Last Jedi again last week, and it just keeps getting better, where Force Awakens (and, I’d wager, eventually Rise of Skywalker) show more and more seams with each successive rewatch.
I saw it, and I liked it. I also think that Last Jedi is the best film of the recent trilogy. Yes, there’s a shitload of fan service, but I’m not sure how one would go about wrapping up a 12 movie, 46-year movie series without a shitload of fan service. The first act is definitely stuffed with pained exposition that…
It’s a good thing
Star WarsThe Internet has never caused people to behave in a disagreeable fashion.
So, I’ve got a question: Why is this article on the main news page almost every day?
No, yeah, of course. You give your notice, work for two weeks, then have your shitty friends record your quitting song (in portrait orientation for some reason) and just lie about the details. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters.
Not even technically assault. Just plain ol’ assault.
White conservative women running for congress?!
[Blinks, rubs eyes, looks again. Ruefully throws bottle of whiskey in the trash.]
It’s a shitty job with shitty pay, and having to pick up the slack for some wiseass wannabe influencer will make the job at least a little shittier, even just for a day or two. Not sure what part of that concept is controversial, but, you know, Internet.
This sounds like it could either be heartbreakingly compelling or unbearably saccharine. Crossing every finger and toe, hoping for the former, because it sounds great.
I’m admittedly coming from a place of having managed a team that I considered family, who were all paid a living wage and offered 40 hours a week and often more if they wanted it. On the one occasion where this happened, they guy that left without notice left everyone good and fucked at the worst possible time.
Good for him for quitting a shitty job with a shitty manager, but also fuck him for not working through his notice and forcing his beloved coworkers to pick up his (literal and figurative) slack.
TBC, I liked the “new comedy version no one liked,” not the new trailer. I agree that it looks overly self-serious.
I liked it. : (
The headline is “Disney+ spin-off about Billy Magnussen’s dopey white guy from Aladdin in the works.” The story is about that, adding perfectly reasonable cultural commentary that is in line with the tone of the website you are reading. Maybe find some other outrage to be outraged about.
at the Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan Theater.
I, for one, refuse to suspend a shred of disbelief while watching this movie about outlandish ghosts being trapped in metal boxes by goofs with laser guns!