Okay, don’t say that.
Okay, don’t say that.
May 1 is the Russian holiday May Day
If fully two percent of this film’s audience is made up of former Fox News employees, that doesn’t bode well for this film’s box office success.
Oh, no. Just hit the nearest “reply” button and started typing.
I applaud those with a platform using it to amplify causes about which they feel strongly. That said, yes, most successful entertainers are vacuous idiots, and no one should take them very seriously except when they are entertaining.
Every time I hear a millionaire who hasn’t had to worry about where their next meal…
I don’t watch a lot of animated shows (nothing against the medium, just not enough hours in the day) but it seems to me that Stephen Universe has a lot more cultural cache than Dragon Prince. The only reason I’ve actually heard of the latter is because of AV Club’s coverage (though I’m considering watching this…
Easy to do now, but not so much pre-digital. There’s stuff I recorded in the 90s that’s just . . . gone, and it sucks.
Right? All AV Club did was give The Dragon Prince a measly stand-alone post, referring to “its appealing blend of grand stakes and sweet playfulness” and “breathtaking visual aesthetic”!
resident skeptic Ben Shakir (Aasif Mandvi).
But, yeah, I actually agree with you somewhat that far too much attention was focused on Johansson taking the role, when it was pretty much the only role in the film that could conceivably be cast with a non-Asian actor.
Sorry, “shut the fuck up with your stupid misaimed outrage bullshit” might have somewhat obscured the subtle nuance of your comments. Sounded kinda . . . goblinish.
These are all really, really good ideas.
You’re wrong. Mamoru Oshii is not the creator of Ghost in the Shell. Masamune Shirow created the character in the original manga, and what one director says about his adaptation has fuck all to do with what another adaptation of that source material chooses to do.
Right or wrong, though, your response is typical of…
There’s actually a second, slightly different cut of the same interview here: https://www.wdrb.com/news/as-papa-john-s-moves-on-without-its-founder-john/article_b249cd6a-0fd0-11ea-98be-57e90d623b95.html
He definitely comes off as considerably more unhinged in this one, believe it or not.
“It’s brave and important what you’re doing.” - The film maker, to himself, in the mirror.
There is a fascinating story to be told here, about a young boy, viciously abused–physically, mentally, and emotionally–by his father, continually in the public eye almost every second of his life, from the age of six until the moment of his death, who developed crippling body dysmorphia and, more troublingly, criminal…
But, seriously, no it doesn’t.
I can’t stop thinking about how someone read this article and STILL had this response.
Spend some times in the comments over at ComicBookMovie.com. That is one seriously wretched hive of scum and villainy.
It’s really hard not to picture the Simpsons’ Comic Book Guy furiously typing this comment.