I came here to say this. I thought his performance as Hawking was brave and selfless. Then I saw Fantastic Beasts and realized that he just has a series of ticks and affectations that people mistake for acting.
I am huge Star Wars fan. My favorite character is Leiah.
Aren’t Stranger Things and Maniac both Sci-Fi?
“Ahright, have it yooruh way.”
I wonder how this will play post-#MeToo. Seems like a story about white dudes utilizing a power imbalance to obtain sexual favors from teenage girls might need a little fine tuning for a 2019 audience.
This happened in my neighborhood a few years back. The Westminster Quarters would be playing loudly from somewhere nearby every morning around 4am. Turned out that there was a malfunction with an emergency broadcast system or something similar.
I mean, maybe a spoiler alert if would be cool if you’re going to discuss plot details of a series that came out, like, today?
* giving him a pair of his suspenders.
Sadly, 100% more than zero is still zero.
It’s slightly off-putting to hear Romano emit a sound that is not his own weird voice
Yeah, imagine letting an embarrassing grammar or spelling goof slip through on AV Club!
It hurt my brain more than any of the rest of this dreck.
Man, if only you’d posted a comment that was obviously a joke . . .
Was the object being raised . . . a roadbump?
You’re talking about two communities on Reddit. The toxic masculinity is baked right in.
Prone to outbursts, definitely not in shape while being overweight and a continuously horrible diet