Such a wonderful time for music! My 10-year-old brain was starting to get pickled by my sister’s cast-off mix-tapes. By ‘87, I was the mopiest mall-goth in the 8th grade.
Such a wonderful time for music! My 10-year-old brain was starting to get pickled by my sister’s cast-off mix-tapes. By ‘87, I was the mopiest mall-goth in the 8th grade.
The perfect beermosa is made with champagne, and is called a mimosa.
let’s be honest, no one likes money more than Disney.
I don’t think it’s in our interest to . . . challenge Keanu . . .
Oh, buddy, it was a joke.
You’ve been hit [clap clap] hit by . . . food!
Given. Not gifted. Given, given, given, given, given.
This is my first visit to the Jezebel comment section (linked here from AV Club) and I just want to say how heartening it is to see an internet comment section where seemingly everyone in the “room” is not just open and honest about who they are and where they’re at, but are so willing to offer help and support to one…
What’s a rehaul, tho?
Some of us old fuck fans love everything about the new films.
I tried really hard to like Bush for a while, after reading both Gavin and the other guitar guy namecheck Slint as an influence. It didn’t take.
Just get the free month trial, watch the show, cancel.
Sellers was actually supposed to play Kong as well, but he sprained his ankle at some point and couldn’t work comfortably in the cockpit set.
They were based on different novels, but were very similar. Sort of the Deep Impact/Armageddon of their time.
There’s this, which is my band, but hey, self-promotion!
No, I think he was thinking of Ace of Base.
Or, like, Felicity Jones and January Jones?
You’re thinking of Ace of Base.
I have that “Scar” too. It’s a wrinkle caused by sleeping on your stomach, emphasized by an overdeveloped facial muscle caused by chewing gum all the time. THE MYSTERY DEEPENS.