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This post led me down a bit of a rabbit hole. It made me think of the famous story about Olivier telling Dustin Hoffman, in regards to Hoffman’s method acting (supposedly), “Why don’t you try acting? It’s so much easier.” I wondered if it was true that that really happened and I ended up finding this very touching

I grew up in a moderately abusive household (both genders being guilty parties) and anytime anyone shows anger physically (banging shit around, punching objects, and even just that way of storming around yelling) I shut th fuck down. Get out of my face, leave my space, I will never look upon your fucking face ever

I should send in images of just my nipples so they could replace them in the magazines. It should be no problem getting rid of the bars since they’re now male nipples...

I thin this is the inner dialogue of question mark ladyboner.

Unless it involves Casey Affleck.

you are deeply ignorant and thoughtless if you assume abusers stop abusing the moment they walk through their own door. The wives and children of men like Cosby and Weinstein often bear the brunt of their behaviour. They are often in even more precarious positions than the rest of his victims though so they are less

Yep like Terry said, it’s like I’m feeling ptsd.... I spent the day thinking of all the times I’ve been violated... and it freaked me out... the first time I was 4 (right before kindergarten) and my grandma’s best friend’s grandson (7 or 8 yrs old) decided to randomly pull his pants down bend over and show me his

I think having me as an executive assistant has really opened his eyes (I’m gay, gender nonconforming, a feminist and outspoken about it all). (Example, he told me he was uncomfortable that Dr Who was a woman, and I told him that if aliens with two hearts that regenerate into entirely new people doesn’t phase him but

My boss (a very lovely middle aged white cis man) and I were discussing this today, and he expressed his shock that Hollywood tolerates so many men like Weinstein. Despite years of rumours and these facts being considered barely kept secrets, they are not only allowed to continue abusing people but their abuse is

I don’t give one actual fuck about abusive women. They can’t harm me. they don’t scare me. I don’t like them, but they don’t really impact my life as I either avoid them or have a chance if it comes to fighting. Abusive men, however... they beat, rape and kill us. Every damn day. Enough with this stupid false

Hot take: Portrait tattoos are always bad.

Someone put john prine in bubble wrap. now.

So awesome use of song in Silence of the Lambs

Based on last year’s election and the fact that Trumps approval rating isn’t zero yet, I firmly believe in assuming the worst of all white people until they prove they’re one of the good ones.

they were dressed as scientists, you were wearing culottes and a giant foam sombrero.

I have been punched in the throat before and anyone who punches people in the throat as a first move in a fight is deserving of respect.

Nicole. That woman has secrets and I don’t trust her for a sec. Reese would underestimate her and then Nicole would show up with a strong throat punch when least expected.

I live for the moments I can publically mock idiotic men. I get away with it because I am Not Sexy. If I were Sexy I would be threatening their masculinity. Instead I rekindle the nugget of fear their mothers instilled when they were naughty, disgusting children.

Okay, obvs everyone should vote for Baba Yaga and then dress in Dolly Kei fashion.