
PRINCESS RATMASK thank you this is my new absolute favorite thing

Princess Ratmask would never wear something not made by her own brand’s ripoff artists.

I want you and people like you to win that mythical animal beauty icon thing.

I cannot believe people like this. The bathroom is for pooping! Pooping on a desk? Not okay. Pooping in the conference room? Wrong! Behind a bush? Depends on the situation. In a bathroom? *Always* okay. This is the designated pooping location.

Once I was in the loo at the airport and I farted. A woman in another stall said loudly, “That’s disgusting! Who did that?”. I laughed so hard that I farted again and she declared, “I do not have to listen to this!” and stormed out.

It’s a real problem in Iceland and one of the ‘don’t dos’ in the Environmental Agency’s guide to tourists. The digging up and moving of rocks is causing serious erosion in some locations around Þingvellir and they also cause problems because the original piles of rocks known as steinvarða still mark safe paths across

Honestly? As much as your husband lied to you, he lied to her. I know that doesn’t make it better, but it’s true. All the gaslighting he did to you, he did to her. I’ve been there. Started off a relationship with a guy who said he and his wife were just roommates, she’s never even home most of the time and stays with

I use a similar approach when mowing the lawn. If it’s in the lawn after Dad says pickup, it gets indiscriminately run over.

WARNING: I followed your link to Romney’s fb post, and I made the mistake of starting to read the comments.

I’d want Sam Elliott as mine.

As a fucksquatch, I find his routine very triggering.

Gosh, a medium-talent hack whose main defining characteristic was she was less-sexist & racist than her Fox News colleagues has a hard time finding an audience outside of her bubble?

Color me not fucking surprised.