
I find a tangential interest in celebrity kids or drama, but do people really click on the link (not knowing it's Dirt Bag) just because someone may have changed their hair?

Is it okay to say that I find it really hard to trust anyone in these kinds of situations? I don't really trust the Ferguson police, but I do trust some police in general. I think it's despicable to shoot an unarmed man, but there was something about the other person being violent anyway and threatening the officer.

It's never too early to realize that you broach a subject and wear a brooch.

Our local high street recently had a children's pirate festival, and a friend of mine was like "I know there are going to be 100 people there with dogs. Why are they allowed to do that? There's no grass or places for them to walk and it's just going to be crawling with people. You don't bring your chickens to stuff.

We don't have a car, but I was really waiting for "buy them at the store."

Oh, me too! I cry when I'm sad, angry, nervous, stressed, everything

My daughter had a crazy 10 minute crying fit in our hallway yesterday because we didn't have any cookies. Real tears running down her face, weeping into the floor. She just kept wailing "I want cookie please" over and over. I finally held her by the shoulders and said, "I am REALLY sorry, but there are no cookies

I was with some friends on a very long road trip, and we stopped at a McDonald's which was the only food place for at least 50 miles. The woman at the register said, and I will never forget it "We ain't got no meat. We ain't got no fish neither. All we gots is nuggets and fries." I'll always wonder what they put in

Black Muscat is what I'm pouring out today (back of liquor cabinet randomness). For lentils, a real protective community and people that I never met but will always miss.

Same here except I kept my name, and I got two COTDs - the highlight of my not-so-miserable existence a few years ago. My husband has heard me regale him with tales of my star and COTDs so much that I started a conversation with a friend beginning "Jezebel..." and he finished the statement for me with: "was so much

Also, condoms don't protect against HPV because it can be spread via skin to skin intimate contact. Condoms don't cover a large enough area.

Actually, with consistent and correct use, condoms are 97% effective (FYI I'm a sexual health educator). They are less effective when not the correct size or not used during every single instance of penetrative sex (85%), but that 85 is mostly user error according to studies. Just like the pill needs to be taken to

Progesterone does really crappy things to my body (pregnancy was AWFUL), so my husband and I just use condoms. Doesn't even really affect me, and the NHS provides them for free.

It's because every time she says it, we say "Well, you'll have to go to school for a long time or earn a lot of money to fly there." We're all about realism at our house, I guess (except for the not being able to tell colors apart). She brought me £1.20 once of her play money and said "Dis nuff monies?" When I said

I don't think I can get the planet one, as Pluto has been de-classified, so it's technically inaccurate. :)

It reminds me of one of my granny's Grace Livingston Hill. I'm sure she wrote one exactly like that.

My 2 year old is completely obsessed with the moon (she can't tell you if something's yellow or blue, but she can tell the difference between a waxing and a waning gibbous). Last week she said "I fly to da moon, mama! Go to school a long time, den go to da moon!" I have just purchased the smallest size they have.

These were my word/thoughts after reading that first sentence: WOW. WHOA. HOW? I was still a bleeding mess at four weeks and could barely manage sex at the 6 week mark.

That sheer back is going to look great covered in the sea of blood coming out your vagina. Real sexy. Who's got that crimson wave gif going?

When I was a kid, I wanted a kitten more than anything. When I got the kitten for my 7th birthday, it was AMAZING. Two months later, I realized Itty Bitty Kitty was going to grow up into a normal boring old cat. I cried for weeks about that.