
Aww, happy early birthday! Mine is the 9th, so my bday present will be no more goddamn election-themed hot takes saturating the global media. May we both have a good bday this year.

What are you babbling about?

I’m just glad he said stuff like this on such a public platform, especially amongst the whole ‘nobody is excited for Hillary’ narrative. I’m simultaneously pumped up for and totally dreading Election Day (which just so happens to be my birthday). Don’t forget to vote, everyone! Please please please let us run the


Exactly, and I like when people recognize she just gets constantly shit on, yet keeps working. She’s better than I ever could be.

But the ‘sexist’ things he says aren’t really sexist because he means those terms as a compliment. He thinks/says that being a ‘tough bitch mother’ is an amazing thing (which it is).

My sister and I used to pretend the washing machine was a photocopy machine. Thanks for jiggling that memory for me!

“...and drank ‘coffee’ out of gas station mugs. It was grape kool-aid, so we drank it straight.”

Speaking as someone from the UK, I think you may have a point.

Someone’s definitely punishing us for the British Empire as well, in a wonderfully ironic fashion:

“Oh, tried to dominate the world under your flag that one time, did you? Ha, how about you become a lonely little basket-case that no one wants to trade with,

Blowing a 5 run lead with 2 out in the 9th inning of Game 7 would be adequately Cubs.

This reminds me of playing ‘office’ with my brothers when we were kids. We’d put on church clothes that were headed for donation, grab a long abandoned attaché case (or barbie doll carrier) and go to work. We tinkerbell stamped random papers, stapled things, held meetings and drank ‘coffee’ out of gas station mugs. It

With these two teams, it should have been obvious that the series would go the full 7 — that’s really the only way either one could get appropriately heartbroken.

Losing in 7 could be hilariously cubs tho

As I say every time I whine about being grey...I HAD OVER 800 STARS ONCE!!! What a glorious day that was. Good times.

It depends on the author of the post and their personal commitment to approving on any given day. I’ve heard that people have good luck with emailing an author and asking nicely.

And I have no idea why I got ungreyed way back when.

Same here, let’s wallow in the grays together!

Which buffet? When? I’m there.

Exactly, nothing says togetherness like eternal suffering!

Sign number eight bajillion and seventy-eleventh that I’m a blackhearted bitch: When I saw the green cups this morning, I was legitimately delighted when I realized how many people were going to be PIIIIISSED at the lack of red cups right now.