Tyson’s Integra is the GS-R. Less than 5,000 in the North American market!
As a general rule of thumb, I don’t wanna see things die. Especially during lunch. Especially when I didn’t search for it.
the gif on the front page auto plays, not sure how I could avoid that.
can we get a gruesome tag on this or something? it’s lunch time on the east coast and I really didn’t want to see a moose being hit, flying through the air with excrement and blood spewing out while I was eating my sandwich.
Uh, I had a gross visual when I read “cult of musk”
Also the seat heater buttons are pretty easy to find.
This won the Stereotype Bingo: Asian, teen, bad driving, expensive vehicle, Vancouver...
I went to my wishlist to see if the games I wanted were on sale. The prices obviously haven’t been updated, and I can’t get back to the store, but everytime it reloads my wishlist, something drops in price.
I like this plan by Tesla and I see where Elon is coming from.
We dole out a lot of advice on what makes a good first car, or cheap car, or any car for people under 24. But what…
Would love to see an actual flying lap time. Guessing it’s not in spitting distance of the GTE cars.
the matte paint makes this like the 2010 Miami Bro Edition Tesla
Just because you schedule a regular-season Formula One race over the end of Le Mans doesn’t mean that F1 drivers…
Condom of cars?